"They had the two groups wear censors on their legs..."
"They had the two groups wear censors on their legs..."
I gave my chemistry class molasses cookies on Mole Day last year. Thankfully no one made a mole-ass joke.
I'm not certain. We may need to consult an expert.
My uterus must be from Mars. It insists that one month for it is two and a half for the rest of the planet. Also, it likes to party whenever I go more than two states away from home.
Wraaaaagrh. Grh, grh. Wraaah.
I'm going to see it in theaters because I was three when it came out and like Star Wars. It's the same reason why I want a real review.
'Cause the moon... gravity... stuff. Yeah. Stuff.
I think I'm going to print that out and frame it for snark inspiration.
I would watch the crap out of Blue's Clues on the Orient Express.
What do I hope for this New Year?
My family opens presents on Christmas Eve and stockings on Christmas morning. Not any more particular fun than the normal way, and actually kind of negatively creative because it means I never believed in Santa; but it's different.
My family opens presents on Christmas Eve and stockings on Christmas morning. Not any more particular fun than the normal way, and actually kind of negatively creative because it means I never believed in Santa; but it's different.
My cat does that... in an attempt to bury her vomit in the carpet.
Trying to listen to music, but I just took a shower so my ears are too wet to hold my earbuds!
Pretty pretty please cross-post this on io9 so I can see TLC ripped to shreds!
I thought you had to be sixteen with parental permission to marry. Aren't they both 11 or 12?
I'm sorry for being awesome.
Holy double post, Batman!
I'm guessing that the Hebrew Hammer is actually not kosher porn, but it's what it sounds like.