
Re: Once Upon a Time's claim of "The show won't do a Christmas episode, but there is a Valentine's Day episode. As a general rule, the show is interested in holidays with pagan roots."

Compound recurve bow?

Legal name changes will be all the rage in eighteen to ten years.

Megatron as a middle name would rock. My middle name is at least a little more exotic than everybody else's James and Kathrine and whatnot (although Whatnot would be a cool middle name, too). Mine's Bonita because my dad spent a year in Spain as an exchange student.

It's from the newest one. She's *SPOILER ALERT* being eaten from the inside out by her abomination-spawn.

That puts an interesting twist in the can(n)on. Ha ha, Transformers pun.

I would marry him.

My name is a version of Isabella. I hate with the fury of a thousand suns people who spell it "Isabella" (or Isabelle) or who want to call me Bella (or Belle). THERE ISN'T AN "A" (OR AN "E") AT THE END OF MY NAME, JACKASSES. My nickname is Izzy, which I picked myself because I like uncommon letters. I've been somewhat

I have a very bad habit of glancing at things quickly to read them and having letters or words end up a line higher than they are. This resulted in the headline:

I am a former Virginian and I am amused by this message!

That sounds like something that was mentioned as an aside in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

No decorations inside our house this year. Princess Powder Puff is an agent of Jadis the White Queen.

Say what you like about Mila and Justin. I'm looking forward to seeing Neil Patrick Harris at the next Marine Ball.

Put your arms around your waist, below your breasts- about where the band of your bra goes- and squeeze a little. Curl your shoulders in and, if you're sitting down, pull your knees up. Don't fight it. After you've stopped coughing, take slow, progressively deeper breaths. Drink lots of water for your throat. For the

My family and I are flying out to Albuquerque from Michigan after Christmas. In 2013, I'm going to Europe. I love flying.

I never watched the Muppets or Sesame Street as a child, although I've watched clips of the latter on Youtube- BEAKER! (If you're curious, it was mostly Blue's Clues and Winnie the Pooh (who would have guessed!) for me.) I'm still way looking forward to going to see the movie, though.

I've had days where I felt like that.

Oh, dear Lord, that is so perfect.

If life gives you melons, you might be dyslexic.

I'm so honored!