
I have asthma. Just being near someone who smokes tobacco (not even someone actively smoking, just the smell of smoke) can set off an asthma attack. The idea of being pepper-sprayed terrifies me, because I'm pretty damn certain I would be dead.

I know how to brainwash, but not how to bra-wash.

I liked this episode. It was actually kinda thought-provoking, with the whole "Why does he want the baby?" (Theory: Kidnapped kiddo = keys to kingdom. Put it on the throne as the true heir and you have your very own little adoring puppet-king.)

The idea of kosher kitties made me giggle.

Donveynor said what I was going to say better than I could have said it.

Disclaimer: I haven't watched the show and probably won't, simply because I loathe TLC, but I've seen commercials for it and read about it.

I walk around with a constant faint scowl, usually of concentration, often of annoyance. When I'm happy, I look completely blank. When I'm so happy I'm grinning, my friends pretend to be terrified and/or ask if I need help burying any bodies. Little do they know I'm thinking of LOLcats.

I feel like this sums up my life at the moment. Not certain which one I am.

Give him lots of props, because I always wonder if men who go into Victoria's Secret are transvestites. That's the secret!

Oh, yeah! My mom's cat chirps. My theory is that it's a hunting thing.

It's okay. My cat licks windows. We think she's got some sort of Deb/Flo thing from Finding Nemo going on.

I can't stand shows that are supposed to be "so bad it's funny". It's like modern comedy; it just seems brain-scratchingly idiotic.

Old series or remake Galactica?

Currently Once Upon A Time. I used to watch Covert Affairs for the sheer face-palming stupidity of the main character, but she ended up getting just waaaay too annoying.

Sup with ya'll, Jezzies?

Spirited Away. I watched it when I was little and had nightmares from the parents-turning-into-pigs scene for years. Literally, no kidding. Years. And the scene where that one character gets attacked by the paper planes? *shudder*

This is not news. I have known this for years. Also zombie apocalypses.

From kindergarten to third grade, I was tormented daily by a girl my age, as well as by two high school girls. I don't remember very well. I've blocked it out. My parents tell me that I came home crying every day. I believe them.

In second or third grade, there was an older kid who wouldn't leave me alone. He'd follow me around the playground and hug me. Looking back, he was probably mentally disabled. I tried talking to him, I tried telling the playground monitor, I tried telling the teachers, and nobody did anything.