
This is literally what I’ve been saying the whole time. A bunch of centrists will throw back that the left never gets out to vote, except when you actually turn out a candidate preaching progressive talking points, the left responds, like Obama who ran on big changes and pushing for 100% healthcare coverage and making

Corporate and shady money is how we got 45. Getting rid of corporate money and establishing strict and enforced campaign finance laws are one of my biggest asks of any candidate I’m willing to vote for. And when it comes to the DNC/DCCC and others? Yeah, fuck corporate money. Fuck the right wing and centrist ideals

There’s a war going on for the soul of the Democratic party and the corporate faction is absolutely NOT going to give in to our demands willingly. If somebody like Sanders or Warren wins the nomination, Trump is going to get a tremendous amount of corporate support in the general election

World-class shade is meaningless. You can draw a straight line from McCain’s influence on the Republican party and Trump. Fuck Meghan and her attempt to justify her horrible positions on the back of the torture of her father.

Counter-counter-point: And THAT sounds like a young hipster who’s convinced that everything old is out of touch and if he himself didn’t “discover” it, it has no value.
Reality check: This is a movie. It is a movie based on a character in a 40 year old movie. Just sit back and enjoy it. Or don’t- won’t miss you at the

Now playing

I don’t care what y’all say, Star Trek Beyond was good Trek and the Sabotage space battle ruled (and the effects were gorgeous).

Honestly, what trailer couldn’t be better with this song?

Yeah, somehow I don’t think this video is necessary for her to get into our heads. She’s got beach front property in mine.

Awesome, I can’t wait for season 2.

All it takes is enthalpy of fusion, political will, a Mayor Daley type who can git r’ done, and voila! An ice rippon in your town. Chicago ice ribbon/suburban bilker is mostly frozen by nuke power so it’s green (ish) and climate friendly. We can trade ice rippon technology for seawalls with the Dutch.

Be blessed.

There is just. no. bottom. to the lows.

I marvel at what kind of fucked-up world we live in where this man, this fucking cartoonish bad guy who would be hammy and over the top as antagonist in one of those crappy Disney direct-to-video live-action heaps of dreck, is like the 4th or 5th worst person in this fat old white man version of a professional

There was that quote in Politico:

This. x 1000.

Over the past few days I have been trying to think of sequels that were this good, I have come up with ESB (and that is really part of a trilogy but hey, still a sequel I guess), and.....I am sure there are many out there, but I just can’t think of any off the top of my head. Aliens was amazing but it was a totally

The sound was the absolute BEST I’ve heard in any film in years, this one is going to be a Blu-ray on the shelf once released.

This. Blade Runner is practically sacred to me and 2049 was about as good of a film, and a BladeRunner sequel, as I could ever possibly hope to have.

I love Blade Runner, it’s in my top 3, and I LOVED 2049. Denis Villeneuve and company absolutely nailed this one, and I am eternally grateful to him for not sullying the Blade Runner legacy.

Stored next to the piece of concentrated evil kept in a microwave.