
He'll be live-blogging it all as Jules Verne from a hot air balloon. He will only break character to pee, which he does standing on his head so that he can ingest his own urine "more naturally." It's a habit he picked up while filming 127 Hours that he now attributes to his ability to be both "amazing and prolific."



I've never gotten the whole roast thing— saying the meanest things you can think of about your "friends" is generally a bad idea.

I seem to remember her going off about Bee Arthur's "big gray bush" or some such thing at one of these things a while back...

And most everything else by Judy Blume.

Is the guy in the picture really taking up too much space? Is that a guy next to him?

In her defense, "twice the legal limit" is pretty much "woke up after a good night's sleep" blood alcohol level for The Wild and Wonderful Lohans.

"All fixed, fast-frozen relations, with their train of ancient and venerable prejudices and opinions, are swept away, all new-formed ones become antiquated before they can ossify. All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions

Let me know when he's done with yours :)

I'm still convinced this is all bullshit and it was the only way they could get rid of her.

This sounds like a hoax or more of the usual media hysteria.

You should have a drink :)

So... two steak knives?

What any of this might mean is unclear, and the survey size is so small as to render any conclusions useless, but I'm going to give my seven-month-old a can of lighter fluid and a steak knife to play with anyway.

As someone who is generally anti-death penalty, I don't know how to feel about this.

A Killers reference and some Mix-A-Lot? You're too good to us, Anna.

I'm very happy to see this, especially as it's a much more eloquent rebuttal to the "recommended" piece than I provided at the time.

I wash my sheets weekly, but as only my wife and I see the bedroom generally, I pull the covers back, evenly and completely, when I get up to let them "air out." Sometimes one of us remembers to "make" the bed before bedtime.