What pop musician do you consider talented?
What pop musician do you consider talented?
Stick around. I try to do naughty stuff to sacred cows most days :)
Take your pills, Grandma.
"Steve, they said you got crazy-eye!"
I'm not sure you know how these Gawker sites work.
"Denim underwear?"
So... like magnets?
Not that she's a real person, but if Daenerys wasn't where she was supposed to be, she wouldn't be there.
Is this that "lipstick party" stuff that all those butt-chugging teens are into or just guys who want to see their wives fucked and then get to break out the stick later?
And, of course, as they didn't get the money, they didn't give it away.
I agree. I, too, hate the argument.
Are you high right now?
It's almost like the same television shows that pulled you to that Big Apple are still pulling other people there!
You gotta be a manly man to "insult" someone you know won't get to knock you on your flabby ass.
Oddly, the forty people who did show up thought that Aaliyah was scheduled to perform and were saddened to learn of Aaliyah's passing in 2001. One remarked that while he was previously unaware of Brandy, she was, "Okay, I guess."
I didn't click the link, but this thread has certainly provided me with both entertainment and another name for my "Coo-coo-for-Cocoa-Puffs" list.
"How does a fellow like that have fans? Hey, you wanna listen to this [ass-turkey]? Don't worry, he mean and fat!"
You're right about Prada's funding of the piece, but I'm not sure if it's an "advertisement" in the way that the Playboy Whatever is.
Now, thanks to you, I have a seven-month-old Slayer fan on my hands.
Call me old-fashioned, but I like to think that God hates everybody.