
Lol, I was thinking the exact same thing. The world is full of uneducated jobless hypocrites that are going to “save the world” by driving to protests and sitting around smoking pot while holding a sign. There are more productive things they could do with their time if they really wanted to make a difference.

Just spitballin’ here but wouldn’t it be easier to measure the minimum amount of lumens the average human eye can detect, the average output of a candle in lumens, and then use whatever calculation for figuring out the dispersion of non-focused light by distance (I’m too lazy to google it). It is a really subjective

I pretty much do everything on my tablet these days, so my phone is relegated to checking the weather, texting, and occasionally google maps. This would actually be a good format for how I use my phone these days. Plus no fear of breaking the screen.

This is another case of MS inventing online gaming 15 years after it was done on the PC.

Pretty sure it hairy old man butt, I could be wrong though.

What is the bloatware and update frequency like on motorola’s these days?

Off combining appliances.

I am not a hunter and I think it is sad when animals are hunted simply for sport, but really you guys are a bunch of panty waist crybabies. The guy paid his fees and had his permits, if there is a legal question let the professionals sort it out. This lion is no different than the millions of other animals that die by

Not trying to be a tool here but why the F are archeologist studying sea otters?

You think that’s gross you should see what is living on your skin when you start licking that burger juice off your fingers.

Venom is only harmful if it enters your bloodstream, it can be safely ingested.

I’m going to eat a great big steak just to prove you right, then I am going to throw one in the garbage just so that steer died for nothing.

I’ve never used it, but I have an account that was hijacked by someone in saudi arabia, weird. I only noticed it because I was getting e-mail notification that arabic symbols where responding to my posts. It may have been terrorists, I don’t know.

You seem sad and alone.

She said “terrible” things.

I like how the first thing she does with it is invade the privacy of her roommate, only a woman would think to do that.

Fail, find a new hobby you suck at this one.

Fuck that, we killed the fucking dinosaurs off to make room for our children, we fucking win! Fuck nature, let’s heat this shit up!

They have been trying to kill the mouse and keyboard since they first came out. They have consistently failed. There are some at Jizmodo that keep trying to pronounce the death of the PC, believing that because they don’t use/need one that somehow that equates to everyone abandoning it. It’s basically like saying well

Maybe they should rebrand to “api”, lol