
yup, they should have done a focus group.

I’m with you on that. Been a PC guy since the 80’s Logitech is a name I don’t have to usually question the quality of. logi....I don’t know, seems to me it would get lost in all the other no-name brands. Side note: I always thought it stood for logical technologies.

Just don’t eat with people that can’t put down their cell phones for 30 minutes, they are not really there anyway.

That stitching is terrible, it looks like it was done by a young child in chinese sweatshop.

LOL, lame.

Yeah, I am beginning to think that MS may have gotten the message we sent them, and started letting their designers do what they were hired for.

Recall means, recall for repair, replacement, or refund. This is issuing a safety warning and sending anchors (probably at no cost) to people that own the IKEA furniture that may not have used them for whatever reason. Try calling IKEA customer service and telling them you have 3 shelves with no safety anchors and

Now playing

This is not an IKEA problem, it has been around for a long time with all tall furniture especially when they are loaded top heavy on carpet, the problem became very apparent when people start putting large CRT-TVs on or in tall cabinets that children would frequently climb to change the channel, now with remotes and

Except for that total bitch face. Would it hurt to put a somewhat less angry expression on it, that one makes me want to go to my shop.

It must be hard going through life picking apart everything you see. I have 20/30 vision and can’t be bothered to wear corrective lenses so everything pretty much looks blurry all the time. My first thought was cool, they can do that, but then I like Micheal Bay movies so WTF do I know right?

It doesn’t matter what you call them because they where filmed with quadcopter drones.

Nothing about anything other than Eyebrow Plucker. Who would even download that?

Yup, running water and electricity, That’s two reason why I live in Canada.

Darwin wrote a book on this I believe. No sympathy.

The results would be skewed by knowing the original comment, but it would be interesting to have one translator do the english to x, and another do the x to english. Translation is a specialized skill that requires a thorough knowledge of both languages because you are not just converting word for word, you need to

You are lame, not the time it took to answer. If you are going to try to troll at least be timely about it. You’re an idiot, find a new hobby that you are good at.


Just wait until you have a teen ager, then you will become a complete idiot.

I always thought this was the coolest part about having fish.

You took two days to come up with that witty reply, lame.