
I see 4 Apple logos and 3 MS surface tablets. Funny the didn’t insist that they move to the back or edit them out.

Get them from Rwanda they can act as armed security also.

The exposure to technology and information is important for children. If the parents have an irrational fear of it then they will not get the chance to have meaningful dialog with their children on it. My kids spent a lot of time playing The sims, I would walk by and be blown away by the houses they would design, they

That makes no fucking sense what so whatsoever.

You’re not giving booze and weed to your toddler, I hope?

If you think it’s sterile you should have to post picture of you licking it on the internet.

But it can replace a broom, you remember those right?

Sponge mops are shit, you need a good ol’ fashioned deck mop. Swab the deck ye lubbers!

I know what a caesar salad is bro.

LOL, as i was reading this my computer restarted for the update.

Just because you have a job, doesn’t mean you are good at it.

There is no place for any kind a lettuce in a greek salad.

The data set is incomplete and therefore is meaningless.

So basically the lack of gravity allows the skin to be thinner because it doesn’t have to fight they weight of it pulling down on itself, and the collagen grows slightly probably because of increased blood flow again due to the lack of weight. Solved it. now if I could only get a grant to study why it seems most

Absolutely agree with you, raised both my kids with full access to television and computers, taught them early about internet safety, bought them both smart phones when they were 12. They are both honor roll students that have a variety of interests and they don’t actually care that much about being on the internet or

2 cm light snow?

What ever happened to finding a better job?

Your demonstration of you lack of knowledge of grammar proves nothing.