
The purges have started, my voice has already been muted!

The Ferrari 458 Spider is cool as well, just not $400K cool, you can buy a Chevy Spark for $15k

Because people are not scared of “real money” (thank you for putting quotation marks) taking control of the monetary system. When face value government backed currency replaced precious metal coins nobody trusted it, the government that issued it had to back it with gold stores, thus the “Gold standard”. When Canada

It did replace alternative currency in certain transactions. What is your definition of “real” currency?

Well played, sir!

When people figure out that their bank accounts are filled with digital currency that is controlled, manipulated, devalued, and taxed without their knowledge they are going to shit bricks. Wake up sheeple, everything you think you know is a lie! Ask the citizens of Greece how much of their government backed currency

Stupid governments, buying all that worthless gold.

Yeah you can. You can even pay for stuff with chicken shit if you go to the right place.

Here, let me google that for you.

Just like paper currency. What is a US dollar worth?

Dogs shed excess heat by evaporating fluid in their lungs the same way that humans sweat. The fur of a dog insulates it from the cold and heat. A dog panting is not an indication of a dog being uncomfortable any more than a person with a slight sheen of sweat would be. If the dog’s tongue and nose are dry however, it

Apparently you are. Pointing out that someone will say the liberal panty waists have taken something to far is like saying “I wonder how long before someone talks about the weather”, someone will do it, and there is always weather. Emotionally ruled people don’t think things through, they are too busy wringing their

You’re just mad because men don’t think of you that way, must be hard to be ugly.

Are you hoping that you will almost be raped? lol

Bring it on!

I have to say it is a little creepy and sad at the same time, any kind of rabid fanboism is. People should have more meaningful stuff going on in their lives than that.

What are you trying to say exactly?

Just curious why are you a vegetarian?