
40% of people try to be something they are not while online, leading them to be targeted by trolls. Maybe don’t try to be more than you are in real life while online.

If you don’t want to be trolled on the internet, simply don’t engage with trolls. People are not trolled in a vacuum, most troll victims are just mad because their attempts at trolling someone ended up with them raging and crying sweet salty tears. The difference between a troll and a victim is that a troll doesn’t


Just put what you think is a pan beside what you know is a pot, when your wife walks in the room say “honey, pass me that pot.”. if she asks which one you know it was a pot not a pan, because your wife is always right.

Actually being charged with a crime is not being guilty of a crime, criminal law is legislated by a government.

My god, you’re reaching now!

Yeah, don’t care, never will. learn to troll.

So what, I am supposed to feel bad because you are to lazy or stupid to look up a word before you comment on how it should be used? I see you have resorted to calling people names now, another sign of someone that has low intelligence. You can start calling people all the names you want, but it just means you lose,

You would need that anyway in case the at fault party had no insurance, or you caused the accident. As for your insurance cost increase that is dependant on the provider, if someone robs my house, my insurance goes up for the claim, even though it was not my fault.

Again, take some time to look up the meaning of the words, it’s not hard. Malpractice is a word that refers to improper, illegal, or negligent professional activity and does not only apply to doctors. Manslaughter refers only to unintentionally killing a human without forethought. If the gun you are cleaning goes off

That is not what “No fault” means. No fault refers to payout of insurance regardless of who caused it to the policyholder, the only exception is something that you did that would void your insurance. For instance you crash your car into a tree in a single vehicle accident and injure yourself, you would be entitled to

to lazy to get up, he should be beaten and humiliated until he learns better. /s

That is literally a terrible idea, most people are figuratively retards. Only a child thinks saying something is an accident absolves blame, by the time you start growing pubic hair you should know that is not how it works. Dictionary, use it. different words mean different things, idiots use them interchangeably

I am not sure what 10x means, but if you give them 10 years in prison the would be 1 less for at least 10 years. I you had them watch while you executed their family members one by one, there would probably be even less. I live in a country where as intolerance, penalties, education and enforcement go up the number of

Actually if you bothered to look up the word crash it means by definition “sudden, loud, and violent” the majority of car accidents are minor scrapes and dents done at lower speed. A “car crash” implies something totally different than a “fender bender” which is actually a term that I don’t like. The problem here is a

Boy that escalated quickly, just so you know talking about violently overthrowing your government is treason and you should probably be executed for that.

They don’t expect that, it is what the statistics say will be the average. Maybe they should just put a 6 spike in the center of every steering wheel and people would think twice about driving like idiots or the would Darwin out.

Nobody nonchalantly says “accidents happen” when to kill someone unless they are demented. If I knock over a glass of milk it is my fault, but it is also an accident. If I pick up my glass and deliberately dump it on the floor it is not an accident. If I keep putting my glass of milk where it will get knocked over it

The problem is not the word accident or the fact that we have insurance, as a matter of fact to many at fault accidents and you will find you don’t have insurance very long. The problem is that people are a bunch of self absorbed tools with the attention span of gnats. Nobody takes the time to look outside of their