
Bad decisions cause collisions. If the kid’s intention was to rear end your car then it couldn’t be called an accident. If you can’t control your car at 5 mph, then you probably shouldn’t be driving, to do so was a bad decision, and may cause an accidental collision.

The people that complain about life in the USA, UK and Canada have never seen how the other 90% live.

They already have laws against that, getting angry because someone calls it an accident is not going to change anything. Police enforcement of traffic violations, harsher sentencing including jail time for dangerous acts, seizure and auctioning of vehicles involved, would all put a damper on that though.

So we should just remove all the words from the english language that people can’t be bothered to look up in a dictionary I guess.

This whole accident, crash, collision thing is made up of people that don’t have a firm grasp of the english language. Pick up a fucking dictionary people. Now if you want to refine the meaning you could use an adjective like avoidable accident, at fault accident, no fault accident, or even negligent accident. An

Bad ideas don’t last long in private and public companies, they go on an one in government funded schemes though because the well is deep.

Weapons that don’t require a $20,000 printer and a knowledge of CAD to be acquired, and are probably far more effective.:

I have seen quite a few identity thefts, not always sure what the reason is, my twitter account was hacked by an arab for some reason though I caught it when I started getting email notifications and changed the password. Just goes to show you need to be very careful about what you post online.

Capitalism is what determines what is a good or bad idea, if it doesn’t equate to a cost effective solution then it is a bad idea. Nobody would be happy if they were taxed at 95% of their income to pay for a bunch of bad ideas, and had no money to spend thereby collapsing the economy and putting them out of work.

The reason people are snarkily dismissive about solar roadways is because of all the reasons it’s a bad idea, and all the better ideas that could be implemented with the resources that would be used to make them, such as solar shingles for houses, solar coverings for bike paths and car ports, etc.

Yes, there are a lot of animals that eat mosquitoes that then go on to feed other animals, etc. Whenever man gets ideas about fixing nature I get nervous, I also think we have just about enough people on earth right now, and it will get exponentially harder to keep us alive as the population grows, so there is that.

Well the original comment is referring to Sennheiser earphones, which are not the top end but good quality middle of the ground products. The difference between these and a pair of $27 cheap earphones is going to be comfort, durability, sound response, and distortion. I am the farthest thing from an audiophile in that

Well there are and always have been many options for non-apple users. Most manufacturers have tech support, warranty, and maintenance plans. I have never have problems with most of the items I buy, but when I do they are quite quick to repair or replace them. I prefer to figure stuff out myself so I don’t have to go

To be fair the original guy was a douche, but your reply was also over the top. I am concerned that you may have had an emotionally damaging experience with a techie.

When will women realize that they will never be taken seriously as long as they keep pretending to be men. They can’t do it, it’s like a comedian do an impersonation of a celebrity no matter how good they are you still know it is an impersonation. I like movies with strong female leads, but you can’t take an existing

was it a show about gay people?

Teaching your kids the value of spending money wisely instead of wasting it on brand name iShit that they think makes them more important than the next person, will keep them from becoming a “fucking twat” (you must be british). I buy my kids expensive items and clothing provided it makes sense, and will never spend a

You are not making any sense at all, $270 is $270. $20000 is 10x the amount of a $200 bicycle which is still cheaper that a $270 pair of headphones but is way easier to ride. most people can afford $270 as long as they don’t live in a 3rd would country, but very few percentage wise buy their kids $20000 cars. Your

Seriously, what are you looking for on the roof, snipers?

So I have to ask then, why do you care about camera quality if you can’t see it? I think you are just stretching for a complaint here.