
The “Alarmist” or overly emotional part, you know kind of like your response, or do you think that is a normal level of emotion to a comment from a random person on the internet. Meh, liberals, what can you do.

Wait, I though LG stood for Life’s Good.

There can be no trial until the investigation is complete, then if the robot is thought to have broken a law they could put it on trial, but how do we know it wasn’t criminally insane at the time and not responsible for it’s actions.

Sentience is only the ability to feel the world subjectively, an earthworm moves away from heat and is therefor sentient. It is self awareness that you have to worry about, that could lead your hapless and abused roomba to plot your death for all those times you blocked its path to the charging station just for kicks.

Cloud storage should always be backed up on physical media that you own. It is only a transfer media or offsite backup.

Some people actually save money rather than living paycheck to paycheck.

Now playing

No more dangerous than a homeowner using power tools really. Just follow some basic safety rules like “don’t touch if it might be plugged in” and they always good “have a fire extinguisher present” because you don’t want to use water on live electrical. Most of the fear of electricity come from a lack of knowledge,

I lol’d at that one. Seriously though GIF has been around forever but like digital cameras and editing filters, photography and GIF’s were only ruined when people with no knowledge, could easily do what only people that actually cared about it could do. The rise of shitty GIF’s on Facebook will just make it a

Yes there are many non destructive safeguards that could be put in place, most companies won’t bother unless ordered by a regulating body, because of costs and maintenance. Every safety device added to industrial equipment has to be tested and replaced when defective, if not the company would be liable even if it were

lol @ u

This article pretty much describes what is wrong with most of the click-bait headlines on this site, well done. Unless it was a Roomba that got underfoot, it was most likely an industrial robot, which is a large piece of industrial equipment. There were likely safety rules in place to prevent this sort of thing.

Yeah, I’ll bet the organized cabal of anti-independant authors is out there just salivating over the prospect of having the upper hand, now that the welfare check cashing crowd can’t get 20-30 tit-for-tat 5 star reviews from their homies. My guess is there is more to this story than what’s being told. I have no

Everyone wants the participation award just for showing up in shorts on track day!

What about the tears of the noobs I kill over and over in online games until they rage quit? Oh never mind they taste delicious, I don’t care what they look like.

Easy solution for the whole thing, delete your FB account. When FB sees people doing this en masse they will change their policy.


Try pricing out a couple of terabyte SSD’s and you will see why there are still mechanical HD’s

I was having a bad day being on the wrong side of the confederate flag issue. Now I see there is a fresh one brewing about the rainbow flag thing, I’m debating whether I have the energy to wade in.