
If memory serves me correct, I believe the actual proposition was to not allow the expansion of slavery into northern states. The actual abolishment of slavery only happened after the war. The slave owners of the south were also aristocrats from europe for the most part and the eastern states were generally working

I thought that was the National flag of France.

What I was crassly referring to was the implied this is more important to me because I am (fill in the blank), I agree with him, except that it affects everyone regardless of their specialness.

Reread your responses, that were inane, off topic, wrong and pointless, then reread your unofficial wiki description of troll, then smack yourself in the back of the head and go find someone that you can actually troll. It wasn’t an emotional response. I was just calling you out for being what you are.

Wait wut?

Well considering treason is punishable by death in the US, I would say that oppressing someones right to freedom of expression based on what individuals believe they are trying to say would be a little extreme. I do support the right of anyone to fly the confederate flag, or even display nazi symbols, or if they are

Without all the trans-special rights bullshit, I agree, you, me and everyone on the planet, have a right to anonymity, except when breaking the law. Safety is a major part of that equation, I don’t think anyone should be posting personal information on the internet for everyone to see. The worst part is, is that it

You’re such a fucking troll Arken, go find some fresh fish.

So you are saying that because the republic won against the rebel they don’t have the same rights as the rest of the country?

I am not american. I just feel it is sad that a major piece of history, and freedom of expression is going to be suppressed when the real discussion should be “who let that nutcase have guns?”

And yet at the same time, Indians were considered vermin that needed to be exterminated, seems kind of hypocritical don’t you think?

I didn’t say many major powers in the 1860’s, so your point is pointless, also you’re paraphrasing.

‘Reason all you want.” Yeah why let reasoning get in the way of perfectly illogical arguments.

Well, many a Native American was murdered and oppressed under the banner of the stars and stripes, but I doubt anyone looks at that as a symbol of oppression and hate.

All the open minded people can see what uneducated hypocrites these anti flag people are being, also they are wasting time and effort going after a symbol rather than the actual problem which is racism. The discussion over what a flag means has overpowered the real discussion of why someone would do what he did.

Well flying flags is not illegal in the USA so any consequences would be illegally imposed, even the nazi swastika is only banned in germany.

Slaves were a major part of the economy of the south, ending slavery would have greatly affected their way of life, kind of like overly harsh taxation would have. I seem to remember another little scrap to the death they had over taxation without representation. World war 2 was also fought over economic strife, the

In defense of the south, at the time they were fighting for the right to own slaves, it was legal in many countries and a major part of their economy. Most countries had only recently enacted anti slavery laws, and many more had no such laws until well after the civil war had ended, most notably the United Arab

Just goes to show that the liberal left hates the south and all it stands for as much as they hate the rest of the United States of America and the freedom that it stands for, goddamned commie bastards.

This interview just convinces me even more that HTC/Valve VR will be the way to go.