
I read the whole thing but the only take-away now is that you have a sweaty vag, eww.

Maybe these wannabe pilots should just keep their fucking drones out of the way. These pilots already risk their necks trying to protect the property of these ungrateful fucks and then they make it even more dangerous so they can get a video on youtube.

I would be willing to bet the bullet to the head had more to do with cause of death than the leg injury that prompted it.

Well, calling something a fact because you are to narrow minded of opinion to see other points of view does not make it a fact. While it is a “fact” that the confederate flag is used as a rallying symbol for racism, not all people that display the confederate flag do it for racist reasons, so your “fact” doesn’t stand

I agree, why aren’t those cheap fuckers taking a limo.

I love how these people glorify the thieves that whine about people stealing their music. Like Taylor Swift they will just sell out to the highest bidder if their shitty indie band ever manages to produce something people want to listen to. I never buy music anymore, I can’t stand the whining noise.

The only reason you think its a fact is because you dismiss all opinions that don’t agree with your own.

Well, everyone is entitled to their opinions right or wrong, however if your opinion is so right why has this flag not been banned before this point? obviously there is some debate on the subject. I will admit that not being American, my American history is probably only slightly better than the average American and

The Confederate flag did not represent racism, until uneducated racists started using it to represent that, and uneducated hand wringers accepted that. You statement that many germans were not Nazis is like saying many men with mustaches are not pedohphiles, or many blacks are not thieves, I think what you meant was

The swastika was adopted by the Nazi party as their symbol in 1920. WW1 ended in 1918.

Yeah... no, the swastika was a symbol of the nazi party, a fascist political regime that most germans were not affiliated with.

funny thing about that though was he was trying to bring the style back, it was beginning to die off after Groucho Marx popularized it with his movies.

There would be the sudden silence of millions of 12 year old xBox users that fucked my mother followed by the sound of million of routers resetting over and over.

Hack: To crudely use something for other than its intended purpose.

Or you could just buy yourself an emergency boost pack for $50 and keep it in your trunk, but take it out and charge it once in a while.

It’s a hoax

In a lot of places when you sell a used car you can apply for the portion of the sales tax back on what you sold it for.

Just don’t start killing cats and dissecting them, mkay.

Yes, it was a marketing stunt, but it opens up the wider questions such as how some women can be entitled vampiric whores that will drain the will to live out of any man after making his life a living hell. Men can be assholes but women can be evil.

it’s like buying a BMW sure it’s overpriced but at least you know you are getting a nice car.