
How can you be a hapless victim if you take responsibility for causing your problems.

I think the same thing when I see people using any Apple product.

Aaaannd, not a single fuck is given, yet you’re still a fucking loser idiot with no life.

No your not a troll, you are simply an asshole that gives real trolls a bad name. “You guys are stupid shut the fuck up” is the lowest level of trolling, that you used it only proves how dumb and alone you are.

I got it the answer there is a planet on a slightly faster orbit than theirs directly inline with their sun that blocks a portion of the light, like a solar eclipse every few hundred years. or even an debris mass from broken planets. you would only need a small reduction in the sunlight to have a drastic effect on

Read The Dragon riders of Pern, by Anne McCaffrey. They colonized the planet and due to major problems were basically thrown back to the medieval age. The end of GoT has not been written so until it is there is a possibility that it will be explained, or it may end like Lost.

It’s all cool but how will it improve my gaming experience.

nah, just watch collectors with deep pockets.

My gaming mouse costs $160 my keyboard cost $110. $150 for a good quality controller will not be wasted money.

Take note of the fact that the long lived climbers use fall arrestors.

I am surprised they didn’t organise a posse and go kill all those dangerous maneaters. Seriously where I live the area is populated quite heavily with wolves, black bears, grizzly bears, and cougars, the most likely way you will get killed is hitting a moose or deer with you vehicle. Animals even predators pose very

first hamster to die of heart disease from obesity while being malnourished at the same time.

Someone would have caught on to that and you couldn’t legally cook it rare, so it unlikely they would try to pass it off as another cut. Basically it is no different than hamburger though the price would be slightly higher due to the assembly process.

he didn’t cook it, he pasteurized it to kill the bacteria. Cooking is done above 150F, kind of like how 20F isn’t frozen but you can still crack open somebodies skull with it.

have you ever eaten corned beef, that is pretty much how it is made.

When you are in a hurry to die, that .2 second that you are closer to your destination makes all the difference in the world. Seriously don’t tailgate, pass on blind corners, race train crossings etc. the highways are populated with the ghosts of people that were in to big of a hurry to drive safely.

Odds are now 99-1 for Steam VR, I know what I am buying.

it that a thing, I don’t know.