
People with closed minds don’t usually wan’t to here the opinions of others especially when they are different than their own.

Pretty much, but doesn’t explain the fuckups by women who are convinced they are right about everything, including men.

You don’t read very well do you?

I never slam shit around and break stuff. Really, though we dismiss bitches for being bitches, and asshole for being assholes, a woman can be an asshole also, but if a guy is being a bitch it means something different. Outwardly angry women are viewed as psychos, much as any man that would do the same thing, but much

fuck yeah! 50% of the brain is in there.

I know they don’t even bother to show up in bikinis to the lab, WTF! Actually, nothing wrong with any of them, I think it may be you.

“He chose to resign . It wasn’t like a bunch of women were outside his boss’ office with torches threatening to fire it up if he wasn’t fired.” - they couldn’t organize that fast without the help of a man.

He probably didn’t give a shit about the job, he’s already accomplished more in his life than all the people that are whine about it on the internet will combined. Plus he has a pair.

In reality the reaction is more impressive than the comment. The comment he made should have just been ignored and forgotten, everyone says stupid shit now and then, but in the current professional victim era that we live in everyone automatically wants to think that everything is about them. The truth is that the

spell cheque is yore fiend.

The only deeply ingrained notion is that men should control their emotions in public and that is mainly in certain cultures not all. Generally the sight of an emotional man makes other men uncomfortable because they are viewed as being unstable, it doesn’t matter what the emotion is, even being overly friendly can

Yeah just keep your emotions to yourself like men should do. I’m pretty sure everyman cries for one reason or another several times throughout life we just don’t like to share.

Yeah man you should totally cry if you feel the need. Just don’t expect a hug from me I don’t do that.

yeah, I don’t proof read my shit, sorry about that. I just wanted to hook a militant feminazi with that comment.

Funny guys don’t get offended when women make stereotypical jokes about men, but feminazis start screaming “SEXISM! MISOGYNISM! CHAUVINISM!” If a joke even slightly demeans a female, then they have the nerve to say “We can take a joke” ??? Do you even understand what that phrase means? It really isn’t my problem if

9-1 “steam vr” is the winner, place your bets.

Seriously the guy sounds like a douche. My mother taught me women can do anything men can do except take a joke, you need balls for that. If you are good at what you do and have self confidence you don’t care what anyone else has to say. women tend to focus to much on what people say, men tend to focus (maybe to much)

Not really because water is beneficial and can still be harmful if you have to much. I recently contracted a bad case of thrush after a couple of rounds of strong antibiotics basically killed off then bacteria and left only yeast fungi.

That could be except there is another similar growth where the top of the middle finger would be without any other growth near it. We will never know without further testing, but this guy may have had the next great antibiotic in his hand.

most likely the hand never made contact. There is bacteria and fungi all over the human body and throughout the digestive tract. In most cases these colonies are beneficial and pose no health risk.