
where do you put your fingers?... never mind I don’t need to know.

probably snot, .... makes sense now doesn’t it.

God what’s on his face that he needs to touch that often?

this is likely a penicillin like mold because of the lack of anything growing near or on it.

Yeah, I took a moment to look at your post history and clearly you are only a troll and a Microsoft buttboy. Maybe you should do the internet a favor and unplug.

I am being objective, not trying to deny the truth. I never said I was pro-American that was something you assumed because I disagreed with your pro-japanese denialist stance. The sins of the father are not the sins of the sons unless they repeat them. So yes, at points throughout history pretty much every country has

New speculative data shows all the people that may have been killed this year while engaged in violent encounters with police.

I call bull on android taking 4GB the folder may be that bloated but most of that would be samsung bloatware. 8GB is a very poor design decision these days.

There are a lot of expressions just as there are a lot of stereotypical comments that are still wrong and in many cases racist, the original coinage of that phrase predates the second world war by centuries when it was far easier to hide things from the public. The things that The Japanese and German soldiers did was

I question this, the anti american sentiments didn’t really start until the 80’s. You are either just making shit up to troll, or your grandfather may have been trying to justify his own hatred of the French.

No the other the other one, that didn’t do that you fucking weeaboo.

pick up a fucking book you pinko, japan was invading china not just sitting there minding their own business.

Yep, the US is so racist they elected a black president? Your racism is showing.

History is written by the victors is high school copt out, in a free and open society which most of the world is at this point history has be verified by scholars and forensic research done in countries that were in many cases not even involved in the war, documentation made public by japan, germany, italy et al ,

Actually, no country has ever gone to war in order to protect any race or minority. It is always about security or taking resources. UN peacekeepers are about the only attempt to stop the genocide and atrocities that occur primarily in civil wars and their mandate is usually only to guard refugee camps and not fire

I don’t think anyone would call the russian people cowards, in fact most people that study what happened have great respect for what they had to endure and overcome to even survive WW2. Every participant in that war made huge blunders and miscalculations. Every country was woefully unprepared for it except for

WW1 tactics were for trench warfare and WW2 was mechanized mobile warfare. The machine gun was specifically the end of swarming except in close combat with a lot of cover and short sighting distances.

Is that what the government that burned records, destroyed evidence, controlled all internal media, suppressed all free speech, and launched a terror campaign on it’s own people tells you? sounds legit.

I thought the percentage done bar was my risk of dying after each answer, watched it go up with each answer closer to 100%. Turns out at 46 smoking I only have a 1% chance of dying before 51. Not bad.