
That is already happening as you can see by the responses you get.

Business Plans:

I don’t use facebook except to sign on to some tablet games. Facebook is terrible and a blight on humanity IMO, I think this show will be a good watch.

Maybe if you were not such an angry dolt, spewing shit that nobody but you and a few overtanned lizards care about you wouldn’t have to fight with someone everyday. No one cares about your first world problems.

I know right, so much water here we piss in it then flush it down the drain. I set my sprinklers to water my lawn 3 times a day for an hour. My neighbor melt the snow on their driveways by spraying it with a garden hose (I don’t, I wait for it to melt)

It is simply supply and demand. Intel makes the better product so demand is higher and they are priced accordingly, if the price is too high less people buy and the price comes down. When AMD makes a better chip they will set the price at what ever level they can still sell their production at and Intel will correct

Came here for “To serve chimp” cookbook, leaving disappointed.

Damn, I was expecting Luke out of the closet or Chewbacca to be female, this was unfulfilling.

Great, now if they just added a screen and a battery to make it portable, maybe a camera, and if it could function as phone ..... never mind I already have one.

It is a reimagined/revolutionized rectangle with patented chamfered edges so they price it at 3 times what it is worth.

Kids are so cute, always reinventing the world, and if they live past 30 they get to look back at all they extremely stupid shit they did and try to warn the kids doing what they did that it’s not safe.

It would never fool anyone, nobody has a tower like that with the sides still on it.

Where does it say that anywhere in my reply? Not every idea becomes a viable product, but the things learned and patents can be applied in other areas. Just like Google glass was a test bed for future innovation, maybe the world is not ready for goofy sci-fi looking glasses that cost $1000, but they did learn what

It was obviously a scouting party.

Having an opinion that is different to yours is not trolling, filling up a thread with “UR troll pls stop!” comments is neither useful or constructive in a discussion thread. There are a lot of people that legitimately dislike Microsoft and his comment is right on target with the article, so take your MSfanboism to an

Really that is like saying me and you are the same because we both buy food from the grocery store. The big difference is that Microsoft bought innovative startups and then choked them to death with it’s stagnant corporate policies, where Google and many of the newer corporate giants encourage innovation and thinking

Yeah, in a head on collision at 60+mph with a pickup truck, in a compact car, my concern is the fuel tank exploding.

Aside from both being huge corporations They are not even remotely similar in the way they operate.

well the redneck says it safe so what could possibly go wrong.

rarely is not never, if I was rarely killed I would still be dead. The moral of the story is bring some cash.