
So my take away was women are superficial gold diggers, men want honesty, and everyone like to have sex.

What you are watching is the british equivalent of a hillbilly doing that shit. This guy has some nice equipment but he has no idea what he is doing which is obvious by the fact that he is doing this in an enclosed space made from flammable materials with no fire suppression and minimal safety equipment. So far he has

Seriously I am just waiting for someone to install Android on an iphone, lol.

I will use my CCs and Debit cards for the foreseeable future. All this stuff with phones is cute, but the battery in my wallet never dies. I also know if the tap does not work that i can then stick the card into the chip reader and pay that way. I also still carry cash just in case, after 30 years of using cards I

Seriously, they have had golf carts forever, scooters, bicycles, micro cars of all shapes and sizes. Nobody wants them except for a few specialized uses like say driving around a golf course. If they were going to catch on they would have, but you need to live in a small enclosed community with predominantly fair

LoL, these troglodytes. That is a beautiful work of art, but alas, no one can afford to get 8 Mpg on their daily commute anymore especially when so many work 50+ miles away from where they work.

God damn! You should see how excited they got when they figured out how to make Coke syrup by boiling it, and then the Einstein moment they have when they figure how to burn it by leaving on the stove.

Everything old is new again on the internets! so basically you get a $90 induction hotplate with a piece of steel all for the low price of $140 and shipped to you between 6 months and never. Also if everyone on the planet buys one we can save enough electricity to power London’s street lights for a night, whoopty

HUH? Computer, printer, anything with an engine, cameras, etc., etc. There is tons of consumer products with many many moving parts. These contain brushless motors and could have life spans of many years of continuous use, likely the same as the LED light source. They will also power down when not being used unlike

Zuckerberg is trying to be like Apple but still has no idea what he is selling. When Facebook is done he will be too.

I do understand it, because it has to do with money it becomes more personal, however it doesn’t mean that it is necessarily right. I read a bunch of the complaints left on paypalsucks.com and most of them are problems with buyers, sellers, or paypal policy not being understood. Yes it sucks to lose money, but

I wouldn’t say that I am the exception, but my transaction with paypal are almost exclusively with reputable sellers and I have not had any problems with them to dispute.

LOL, Blackhat and Justin are both complaining about opposite sides of the same problem and Paypal is getting blamed for it both ways. PayPal is a financial transaction company, your other options include, bitcoin, cheques, money orders, or giving a stranger your CC information, none of which is recommended BTW. PayPal

Sounds more like incompetence than a scam. This happens a lot in large corporations and really 15 million in mistakes for a company that had 7.9 billion in revenue is kind of small. I know all you anti-corporate type think that every mistake is proof that they are crooks but there are a lot of normal people working

Never use the same container for an ashtray as you are using to drink from.

Nah, I just use meth to keep the weight off.

jeezus, you having a smoke or building a house?

That is why we have dictionaries. Though, I just had a long drawn out flame war with some idiot that thought I had no right to question such things, when I had made spelling mistakes in my quickly written comment about it.

This is a crock of shit. You know who else wanted to design the perfect race? Nazis, god damned Nazis, and we kicked their asses. The Nazis also had scientist and doctors that agreed with them. Just because someone has a degree does not make them smart, ethical, or right.

VR yes, not the same thing as the OR.