
soo um yeah, why do these videos always have such lame kickstarter music. Oh and fog machine≠art.

with kid friendly flavors :)

When are you going to write a sensationalized click bait article about how we are all going to starve to death because we are getting to the limit of how much food per acre can be grown? Getting to the limit of what can be forced through a single strand of fiber is not going to bring the internet to a crawl, but it

Wifi is a brand name a brand name as Xerox is to photocopiers.

GoPro is not causing this insanity it is just documenting shit that was happening before but only shared between the people that were there to witness it. What I wan’t to know is where are all the GoProFail videos were people end up getting killed, paralyzed and maimed?

Pro-tip, take up meth it’s cheaper and safer. The guys that do this stuff are adrenalin and endorphin junkies and will eventually fail to death or be so badly injured that the health system can’t put them back together right. If anyone walked into a doctors office and described these stunts as symptoms the would be

It is quite possible, nay far more likely that that is a misquote than an actual transcription.

These guys need to be charged, I’m positive there can be only negative results from this kind of shocking brain battery, and besides it probably just makes you wired anyway.

C’mon Sheeple open your eyes and stop being pawns to big organic!

Ohh noes, hopefully the otter was alright.

Why are you walking around outside with over ear headphones anyway, that takes away 90% of your situational awareness, even my teenaged daughters know better than that.

Oh, you’ve visited Jezebel to I see.

If you double the battery storage you would only get 38 hours out of an iWatch not a week. Apple’s own numbers are that you will get 19 hours if all you do is spend your time admiring the pretty gold color you spent $10000, or 30 minutes of actual use.

After Palmer sold out to facecrook I started crying on the inside knowing that OR was pretty much doomed to mediocrity. I have had my faith restored by the announcement of Valve’s Steam VR.

Yes, Canadians can be obnoxiously polite but we don’t usually order out pizza from florida.

Wow! thanks for sharing, that was some powerful art. I almost cried but my Y chromosome wouldn’t let me. A true artist can make something unique that will affect you emotionally. The other guy just copies shit.

I will never look at birds the same way. I am pretty sure I have been to parties like that before.

Stupidity has killed many, movies have killed none.

Not really a condom when the sheep is still using it, birth control though.

You are so sad and lonely, I know why, goodbye.