
pebble does it, 3 months I believe, but the watches look like shit. All it really needs to do is receive and transmit a quick acknowledgement which takes very little battery, the display and accessories a what kill battery life. A phone can sit on standby for a week or two, but you get about 7 hours of talk and 2

I am sorry iFanz but seeing that thing on the wrist of a man, it is going to be the biggest failure ever for Apple, that thing is freaking huge. No woman should ever wear it, and even men that have no fashion sense will likely not wear a watch after people tell them they look like idiots. With all the money that Apple

lol my wife did that twice.

Intelligence plays an extremely important role in defense and security of every country, times when intelligence fails or doesn't quite make it usually end catastrophically. It is also not something that can be shut down and only brought out in times of trouble, it is an ongoing process. You can worry about how it

Yeah that is close, 1 day battery life and water resistant are deal breakers though. I was thinking more along the lines of an actual analog watch with and lcd or e-ink display for notifications maybe a vibrate on notification. I can look at my phone if I need to look at something in more detail, but I don't want to

It's not just the American economy it's going on almost everywhere these days. Debt is the root of all evil and CC's are pretty much the king of hell. If you borrow your yearly gross in consumer debt throughout your lifetime (most people can) you will make yourself a slave to the banks and lose everything if you have

Is it so wrong that all I want is a damned normal looking watch with an fitness tracker and simple notifications, that has a battery life of at least 1 month, oh and pulse rate if it could be squeezed in. I don't need or want to make make call, send texts, watch video, take pictures, etc., that is what I have a phone,

Well my opinion is trust no one until they have earned it, blind trust will get you in a lot of trouble. Having said that though my point was that people that worry about this abuse are no more significant than ants to the government, unless they are biting, then they will get swatted. If your spouse works for the

I don't think the CIA or any government agency is trying to steal your Credit Cards or personal nude selfie collection. I also don't think the "we" of us that is concerned about this needs to be concerned, unless they are being watched, then there is probably a reason they are being watched, which is good IMO.

BTW Neckbeard = warm neck in winter, not sexual deviant. Wanking is not a replacement for sex any more than doughnuts are a replacement for meat and potatoes, sure some people eat way to many doughnuts, and some would only eat doughnuts because they are easy and cheap, but really everyone still wants and good hearty

Actually the grumpy ol' man thing is true, but mostly we just realize how annoying and stupid kids are.

Steam machines are not meant for hard core PC gamers, they already have $1000+++ into a gaming PC ( the replacement cost of mine would be about $3000). Steam boxes are for people that are priced out, confused by, or too lazy to keep up with PC gaming. Steam Machines are consoles, and games will be made with Steam

I have a steam box, but she doesn't like it when I call her that.

If you don't have space then you don't move, I guess. Me, I have lots of space. I am going to make my guest room into a VR chamber, bwahaahahahaaaaa.

yup because exactly the same thing /sarcasm

on your keyboard?

I would place a bet on valve, Sony will likely go with a proprietary PS version that will cost too much. Microsoft will be substandard and require a sub. Valve will likely be affordable, well built, open and highly supported. Valve is in the game selling business after all kinda like Google is in the advertising

Aww. I was hoping for a CG short about a lonely sentry robot, now I will have to use my imagination.

mine loads instantly, google it!

yeah I found myself rooting for the little guy as well. ah well, you know it's hard out there for a shrimp!