
It does matter because it won't be a real thing until Apple puts out the stylish and pleasurable to use iHead with serious limitations and claims victory on the whole thing. All the good porn will only be available on the open source devices anyway.

Thats pretty much a two finger list for anyone that eats meat.

I can't believe that no one mentioned that Google invented the Chromebook so we can all visit shady pornsites with no chance of infection.

Communism is an ideology that the political system proved was flawed. Name 1 major drug advancement that came out of a communist system? Before the financial fall of the Soviet Union the people there lived in equal squalor and lined up in the same bread lines. Also the only governing system that had to put up walls to

So if capitalism is such a terrible thing then why is it that all the major drug advances are made by capitalist societies. Money drives innovation, money doesn't get invested in risky projects without a suitable possibility of return. Being an idealist and saying profit on investment is bad while not actually

The problem isn't unfunny fake news sites, the problem is the corruption of journalism and the near extinction of critical thinking. "re-reporting" is not news journalism, it is lazy and undistinguished, and reacting to a story on the internet without taking at least a modicum of time to verify is the same. Having

you are pathetic

Really? I'm sad? I'm the Troll? You initiated, you presented nothing but your narcissistic opinion of your self worth, and you lost with no argument presented but a bunch of self important nonsense. You are only embarrassing yourself. And calling me a troll is not going to make you smart, must be hard for you.

The title should read "Another narcissistic youtuber thinks their opinion matters more than it does". I am sure he has a loyal following of sheep that can't think for themselves but even if they all close their Steam accounts (which won't happen) I don't think it will bring steam down even a notch. I have close to 400

The mere fact that you think you are smarter than me proves that you are not. You profess to understand english and yet your writing proves that you do not. Maybe you should break open a dictionary and look up the definition of ignorance, contradiction, and impertinence.


You can try as hard as you want to sound intelligent, and if belittling me makes you feel better then go for it. The truth is I don't care what you have to say because so far your only argument boils down to "you are wrong and I am right because I believe that I am smarter". Your lack of conversation proves that you

do you get cardio bruh? no seriously though I believe that cardio is probably the best way to improve a persons immune system. I first noticed it when I was 16 year old and took up jogging to work because it was faster than taking the bus. My wife would get a cold that would last for 3wks then give it to me and I

Medically speaking this guy is a hack in the truest sense of the word. About that diet though while there may be some appeal to the taste of buttered coffee, which in itself is not so unusual if you take into account, buttered rum, or scotch, the diet would work like every other diet. By limiting your food choices you

There was a country that agree over 97% than non-aryans were less than human, anyone that disagreed was publicly shot.

Aaaand still nothing to disprove what I posted but your opinion. Are you just seeking attention from internet strangers or do you have something to back up what you are spewing?

Still it doesn't disprove what I said.

who is the denier now? just disregard the data that doesn't fit the claim you are trying to make, call them "right-wing" that will give it even less credibility. In the end you prove nothing but your ignorance and preconceived bias.

"Except that science can extrapolate back more than that." Yes, yes they can.

wut? do you evin inglish bruh?