
you have a lot of pent up anger at the world, you should maybe seek counseling.

Language doesn't evolve any more than a cow evolves into a steak, rather it is butchered by the ignorant.

This is why there can be no rational discussion on the subject of climate change because the participants are not rational. WTF does anything you just said have to do with the subject being discussed. No one (intelligent) has ever said that the temperature wasn't or couldn't change, the question has always been what

you sir are are one of the most disappointing trolls I have seen in a long time, your arguments are barely coherent and not even slightly humorous. As soon as you brought out the fanboi statement out of context I knew you were no longer worth my time. Go hang out on Reddit until you can gather some troll skills and

while I love the idea of and induction stove top the idea of cooking in a plastic bag holds no appeal. are there not other ways to achieve the same effect? slow cooking or pressure cooking? I honestly have no idea, I had to look up sous vide just to figure out what it was.

and the automobile is an incremental improvement over the horse a buggy. Just because the Google glass is not being sold does not mean the concept is dead, I mean lets face it those things were Fugly and drew all sorts of unwanted attention to the people that wore them by assholes. Google glass and Oculus are two

the reason that past headsets have hit with a resounding meh as you put it is because they were impractical and the cardboard box while novel is still so. There is a little more to the oculus rift than than. You don't have to buy one if you don't want to however.

You can insert "Banana" anywhere you see "Muffin" and it's still true as well! I can tell you though from experience I am a 45 year old geek that has had this same conversation about computers since I was 12, my answer as always would be "if you don't see the use then it's of no use to you.". If it was so easy to

You're not foolin anyone, any married man can tell you sex after marriage is a myth. It is something only doled out as a reward for a) spending an insane amount of money on something for her. b) The planets have aligned again this month. or c) You seem to be developing a will of your own.

Think of the surface area of a stack of paper vs the surface area of that stack individually crumpled in to balls. one will burn much hotter and faster than the others.

everything takes digging and critical thinking, but in the end everything is just someones opinion.

No assumption the unfiltered part is the communication that we can have directly provided we can make that connection. You can be as conspiratorially nutty as you want, but the simple truth is that most countries don't have the oppressive controlling regimes of say China, Russia, or worse North korea. The simple fact

The problem is that balloons can be taken down by the government. Elon Musk and Google are trying to make a free internet not in the monetary sense but in the human rights sense. Imagine if the whole world had unfiltered access to all sides of the truth.

Ok soooo... Pearlized paint, soap, and a dollar store giant bubble maker. This make him a craftist not an artist. cool pics though.

Three guys sharing a wonder boner on a fishing trip? I wonder if this was the inspiration for Broke Back Mountain?

When he splatters on the ground I will look onward with humor and disdain, and maybe a pinch of "I told you so".

But who created the aliens then?

At $250 chromebooks are disposable hardware, but since they are used mainly for web apps where all the computing power is on the other side and all you are looking at is the display (Funny enough this used to be known as mainframe/terminal) and sending inputs, the chrome books don't need to be upgraded very often and

eyes are beautiful though!

Evolution is based in scientifically provable facts, the theory is in the specifics of what caused what. An example is "where did our tails go?", it is a fact that some people through genetic mutations are born with tails, but why do the rest of us not have them, the best "theory" is energy conservation the tail adds