
Evolution has never precluded the existence of god(s), but rather logically explains the world around us. If you need to defend your chosen god/religion to the point of being illogical it seems that you are more fearful of being wrong than I am. I also don't believe if there is a god(s) that they would care whether I

You really need to look up the definition of clever before you use it in a sentence again. Nothing clever here, even the music is shit.

Or you have really short thumbs, like freakishly short, ones that would look normal if you were a pygmy marmoset.

Never mind, after reading your replies you have convinced me that your intellectual level is no match for my own. You have managed to dig down through my carefully built protective layers and ascertain that my only motive for posting anything on the internet is a deep irrational hatred for a nameless corporate entity

the same thing that is wrong with a 4 cylinder half ton pickup truck.

No it is not a comparison that means anything, because no apple users are going to suddenly convert to a microsoft OS because someone puts out a marginally better product. To microsoft users it is meaningless because they don't use macbooks so they would have no idea what the author is talking about. This is not about

yep! we all gunna die sooner or later.

And again the comparison to a macbook air is irrelevant to anyone but an apple blower that wants to know how their love child compare to a superior brand. The majority of pc users of all kinds are windows based and quickly becoming android and chrome as well so comparisons to macbooks are only relevant to a select few

someone that needs a functional computer that is portable.

This is the digital equivalent of TP'ing someones tree.

You make an assumption about what I hate, when you clearly have all the bias. Personally I think both are shit. Too underpowered to be useful compared to a desktop and bogged down by antiquated bloated OS's. If you need a mobile platform a chromebook phone or tablet will fit that role, If you need something useful a

I would have to say Eric that none of these products strike me as anything more than note-worthy at best. The cheap laptop is a cheap laptop, you will get the performance that you pay for. I bought a chromebook for my daughter a year and a half ago and she does most everything on it except gaming. With the lack of

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Macbook air is the go-to comparison for Apple users. For the other 90% of us it really means nothing other than iFans thinking the world revolves around them and that they are completely out of touch with reality.

My hearing is perfect (having been tested regularly over many years), it actually falls outside the normal range of human hearing. I can hear distortion on the high and low ends that most people can't, but honestly I have never been able to tell the difference between lossless and somewhat lossy compression, at a

So...don't lick the wall behind the air dryer? I have bad news guy's, we are surrounded by bacteria, viruses, mold, fungus, parasites, toxin, etc.. some of it harmful, some not, some is beneficial. The most likely way to get a disease that is harmful to humans is from other humans. Turns out our own kind carries all

My problem with this is not the product but the presentation. I Electronic cigarettes help someone quit smoking that's a win. What I see is a pusher mentality here though, by calling it "vaping", "e-juice". and "e-cigs" to make it seem cool, selling kiddie flavors, claiming its harmless, they are trying to lure a new

I just ignore the ads, every once in a while I see one that catches my eye and I will look at it but it's not a big deal. Waiting more than 10sec through an ad proceeding a video is a deal breaker though, I don't watch either the ad or the video.

I wouldn't drink to much of that exhaust water. Pure H2O without minerals is very bad for you as it will leach minerals from your body.