
my pickup truck has engine coolant, oil, transmission, and A/C. I don't see what the big deal is.

So using Cow, pig, sheep, and even horse hide from animals that are already being killed for meat, is somehow worse than digging up landscapes and polluting the air for petroleum, to mix with toxic chemicals that pollute the environment, to make cheap non-biodegradable materials into cheap clothing, that will be

used to? They still do. They also use urine and feces from all sorts of organism for all sorts of things. Fish guts are used to make certain non-dairy creamers and pregnant mare urine is used to make birth control pills. in a lot of cases the matter is refined and labeled something else. Seriously if you find this

Ok #2 looks like Grandma lips swooping in for the kiss, and #4 looks like it might be contagious.

Let's be honest there is nothing wrong with the concept of Google Glass, but the implementation is fugly. Glass is a concept that is ahead of the technology. With all things technology related the open minded intelligent people with money are the first to adopt, then business, then consumers, then Apple users. No one

Mostly Apple users.

I can do this with all my CCs and my debit card, and have been able to for a couple years where it was installed. Hell, sometimes I just hold my wallet against the machine and make a little bet in my head which one is going to pay. 60% of people are just sheep and Apple has good advertising. Apple didn't make anything

Remember when people without spell check actually tried to make an effort? Or grammar, instead of rushing in and crying english may not be their first language, which then became well language evolves when it turned out english was indeed their first language. Let me tell you lazy people something, language doesn't

yeah they were there, people just didn't cry about it. The only thing you need to do if you feel that someone has insulted your pansy liberal ass is not respond, problem solved, BAM!

Yeah, they weren't memes they were files and links shared by people. They became memes when people started trying to make them and they needed a name, so they could tell their bosses what they were working on.

If you didn't think chatrooms an irc were creepy then you were probably the creep.

your internet never happened, check your connection to reality.

the same thing happens in real life when you put a bunch of people in a room for a while.

I just wish gizmodo would stop putting their shitty gif's on every page. they are terrible nobody has ever said they like them and they serve no purpose other then to take up bandwidth.

the same thing happened with faster processors and video cards, made programmers lazy, wasteful, and uninspired.

Someone has forgotten about pop-up, pop-over, pop-under, and browser, search and homepage hijackers. That shit was annoying because you had to fix it not just ignore it.

A soul is what separates us from machines. I don't believe in god, but it is hard to deny that there is a difference between the living and nonliving. A camera can perfectly reproduce what it is pointed at but an artist can make it show you what he was feeling.

The forced use of the app store is the only secure thing about Apple products, it is also the most limiting factor and the reason that most people have no security on their devices. It doesn't take much imagination to see how this creates an even bigger security flaw. Again you would have no idea that you were

You are exactly what I am talking about. living in a nicer area than the "hood" doesn't make the locks on your door any more secure than anyone elses. Get a dog!

Anyone can paint. A craft is learning to paint well. Art is when you reveal a piece of your soul whether or not you are good at your craft.