
That is a really good way to undermine the worth of our rights. There is something in everyone’s past.

I don’t get it either, but I’ve seen women fall for plenty of ass holes. Guys who were abusers, drunks, serial cheaters. So she fell for an asshole, like many women before and after her. It happens.

Crazy knows no age.

I’m sure the last straw was the Weinstein situation. They realized it was a bad look they were still working with him even though he’s been a known disgusting for years. So now they’re trying to cover their asses before sites are turned back onto him.

So Harvey Weinstein needed to be publicly outed for stuff that was already pretty well known for Condé Nast to finally boycott Richardson? This dude is creepy as hell and it has been well documented. Even celebrities like Lady Gaga CONTINUE to be associated with him after all those stories.

re: Terry Richardson, better late than never I guess? Wonder what the final straw was.

This crazy Muslim woman hopes she has millions of dollars in her bank account and raps about your time in jail.

I remember thinking this about Megyn Kelly when she decided to speak up for maternity leave and her attitude is exactly what’s wrong with many conservatives:

She’s also a promoter of homeopathy and anti-vax. Having an advanced degree does not make you a source of wisdom.

Sorry to break the illusion for you, guys, but he would *never* sell it in a pawn shop. He was doing two things:

Trump would lose a lot of supporters if he actually didn’t anything to stop immigration of cheap labor. This is just $70 billion window dressing.

The funny thing about Trump’s campaign promise to build a wall is that it’s not what CBP leadership has repeatedly asked for over the years. The agency wants more technology. 

Would a massive wall that spanned the entire US/Mexico border probably have some “positive” (as in, reducing) impact on people and goods illegally crossing the border? Probably.

You’d have to stop the airplanes that bring most of them here of course. So those walls need to be a few thousand feet higher.

“Don’t worry Matt, what makes the wall effective are [things that aren’t the wall].”

Your tax dollars at work/not working.

You are an alcoholic who only ever meets women at bars.

Dude, many straight relationships began because a woman exhibited subtle cues and the guy picked up on it. He might have talked first, but she might have made eye contact first.

Dude, I was rooting for you until you turned this corner here. It’s not women’s fault that they get spooked easily when men come on too strongly and unexpectedly. Just like it’s not your fault that you find it difficult to know exactly how to approach women. They are how they are and you are how you are and so long as

I literally don’t know how to say this and have it make sense but I’ll try...if someone is approaching me they want something, of course. No stranger is tapping you on the shoulder just to say “Hi” without some end game.