
the point is, this is 35-year-old Ivanka talking about 14-year-old Ivanka, and obviously lying. The point is, 35-year-old Ivanka lies.

So, would we say that she’s the one who likes all Nirvana’s pretty songs and she likes to sing along, and she likes to shoot her gun, but she don’t know what it means?

Were either given an official position as an advisor to their dad?

Are you queer? Are you a woman? Just curious.

It would be so great if she wins this suit against him when he’s been whining about how libel and defamation laws need to be stricter so that people won’t say bad things about him. That would make my day.

Maybe just like he was never a father figure of any *real seriousness* to Soon-Yi, the daughter of his decade long girlfriend and sister to his three children.

1. Can you name a case of a guy winking at a woman at work and then having to call a lawyer?

2. But also don’t wink at women you work with. What are you even thinking with that?

I’m so relieved the perv that slept with his wife’s adopted daughter is here to help us all morally navigate the Weinstein scandal.

I think the issue of the agency that banned Love is at the crux of how he was able to continue with his outrageous conduct, no?

No matter how you feel about her personally, Courtney not only made ‘Live Through This’, she also was a damn good actress for awhile before her career sadly kinda withered and died.

She was also visibly strung out and intoxicated during that whole event, in retrospect that’s probably why she didn’t think to stop from making that statement which most would consider career suicide.

Ew, dude. Just stop.

I dunno. When Man on the Moon and the Larry Flynt movie were out a lot of critics showered major praise on her acting. I think there’s even an embarrassing quote from Roger Ebert that suggested the greatest legacy of grunge might turn out to be Love’s acting career.

Gee ACA seems to need a lot of effort to make it “fail on its own”.

God, this is so good it reads like a fairy tale.

Ugh, me too.

I was 15 and attending my freshman year homecoming dance at a new high school.
A kid I’d never seen before walked up, started fast dancing with my group of friends and myself (cool) and then casually grabbed my tits with both hands (NOT cool).
I justifiably freaked out, left to the ladies room, was followed by some

Stassa - this was a brilliant piece. Thank you.

But . . . I thought everyone was “shocked” and “appalled”?

Everyone knew, and it was something they joked about for years.