
Why wouldn’t you want to ruin someone’s life?

I LOVE Russ. Her take on Kirk/Spock, yeah that slash, in the 70s was so insainly ahead of the curve. 

Oh shiiiiit

You have to put sparkling water on tap. Get a little keg fridge, 2 Little pony kegs (getting 2 is critical so you never run out,) a tank of CO2 and you are permanently in business. Tap water is good and cheap. You don’t have to feel bad about your 6 can a day habit.

You have to put sparkling water on tap. Get a little keg fridge, 2 Little pony kegs (getting 2 is critical so you

I believe her. There's video of her getting groped, I think by bannon. There's no way she's spent the time she has with the people she has without something worse happening.

I’m 100% certain I would leave my own head in a bathroom or a car if it wasn’t screwed on. I don’t doubt for a second I could forget my child in my car if there wasn’t a reminder. Schedules change, routines are interrupted, sometimes you pick up, sometimes you drop off. I am not infallible and I wouldn’t risk

“I don’t have personal experience of abuse but I do have experience with lying women making false accusations for revenge for real or perceived slights." That's nice, dear. 

Citation needed

You mean Jeffs Goldbums

Excuse me? On the npr scale he is a solid 10

People from the group represented by the character are calling it racist. Please see the article above. You are calling it not racist. You are rolling over the people who say they find it offensive. ‘We’ are people in agreement with the article.

It’s the whole intolerant of intolerance thing. If we let you roll over other people, callous assholes win.

That’s nice you don’t mind the bee guy, but that doesn’t mean shit. You think everyone should feel exactly the same way you do, you know how self absorbed that is, right? You know other people have different experiences than you do, right? And that nobody cares that you ‘have a life.’ Right.

I’m sorry you’ve internalized so much. I bet it makes you feel in control of things to say ‘oh, this only happens because they did something wrong by not standing up for themselves, or not doing it the right way or at the right time,’ or ‘i could have fixed it,’ but it’s bullshit. These men feed on control and abuse

Why did you make me Google for a picture of the tree?

That’s the attitude that got the gop Trump, and he’s not exactly been a prize. I’ll change my stance once they pass their tax bill, but I think there’s a decent chance it’ll not go through. So a year in they’ve got some judges, a few reversible orders and a whole lot of egg on their face.

Uhhhh, am I the only one seeing a wedding in 6 months and doing the math or is everyone else just too polite to say anything?

Wow, you’re a real piece of shit. The fact that he would tell that story and show no remorse or horror really reveals his true colors and yours as well, true or not. God help the women who know you.

Who are you and how did you find this website?

There are enough actors out there that don’t go around sexually harassing teenagers, why waste time with this asshole? He can go home and cry into his millions. He’ll be fine.