
If your sandwich spot don’t look like this, you’re missing out.

In my San Francisco neighborhood, there are 4 places for sandwiches, but I go to only 2. Here’s why:

Get a pack of cheap buns and then get a PE bowl with supergreens and orange chicken. Place a bed of supergreens on a bun and then follow them with orange chicken pieces, then cover with a pack of their chili sauce. Repeat as many times as possible until the orange chicken pieces run out, then eat any remaining

The McPlant is a Beyond Meat patty topped with American cheese and mayo, and it is cooked on the same grill that the fast food chain’s beef burgers are also cooked on. Based on this, it’s sort of difficult to understand what audience McDonald’s wants to (or wanted to) target by rolling out the McPlant so late in the

It isn’t, even a little bit. I acknowledge her degree and that she gained skills from it. She has a science education - I know three of the four people that signed off on her dissertation at UCLA, and they are heavyweights in their field. All that said, having a science education is not the same thing as being a

There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge’.

Bialik isn’t “really smart”, though, and that’s extremely evident from interviews with her. If you think her neuroscience qualification means that she is, well, sorry mate, I know people with better qualifications that that, who are frankly, cretins in all regards outside their actual field. One of them I know IRL

LeVar was pretty mid as a host though. That only became even clearer when David Faber showed up right after him and absolutely killed it. LeVar wasn’t Dr. Oz or Bill Whitaker bad, but he was only good for those that think he is Jesus reborn.

But he literally played the Smartest Guy in the Room for over 20 years. At this point I’d believe that he really can build a warp reactor.

They might as well give Alfred Yankovic a try at hosting.  He doesn’t have that many closet skeletons except for the music artists that don’t like him and don’t want him parodying their songs.

She sounds awful, and most of that stuff would cause me to not want to watch her in anything.

But I don’t understand why the vaccination stuff always leads these articles about her except that its attention grabbing given the state of the world. “She once had a frivolous view of vaccines but changed her mind.” Why is

Reminder that a person can have a doctorate and possibly be quite knowledgable in the field and not be smart in other ways

Boneless was hard enough. Tendonless is like a whole order of magnitude more science.

Yeah, MSG. That’s totally Claire’s pantry staple.

Not sure how “easier” it is when I try to do online pickups around here, they are all booked for days on end. It is much faster and actually less crowded here to run in, pick up what I want or a substitute and run out.

There’s a line around the block to get into every Trader Joe’s I’ve tried lately. They’re doing just fine. They’ll continue doing just fine. They won’t lose business, because there’s no one that actually competes with them. They are the only boutique grocery store in most places in America, and the two buck chuck

“What makes Trader Joe’s think that makes them so special?” Becuz they are. I could go on and on about why, but anyone who’s been in one more than a few times knows this. I’m sure no one will exclusively shop at one store or another, but it’s nice to know that TJs is there when the mood strikes.

Found it: