It’s too bad these demos usually aren't released for the PC versions. Have a few games I'd like to give a try and consider throwing on my wishlist, but the demo is only ever released on consoles.
It’s too bad these demos usually aren't released for the PC versions. Have a few games I'd like to give a try and consider throwing on my wishlist, but the demo is only ever released on consoles.
Turn down the blur and up the color palette and it’d be really good, but it’s not quite a fit for Pokemon as is. I’m a fan of the idea of HD2D style, just need more variety in execution.
I remember when the Switch was first released there were a few fan concepts of a JoyCon bracket that let you play it in portrait mode. That kind of setup would work for playing DS/3DS games I think, and keep the lower screen accessible for touch screen usage. Granted the touch screen works differently, but should be…
Disappointing they’re releasing them one at a time, but happy to see it. Just hope they’re reasonable with the pricing, but they probably won’t be.
It wasn’t clear to me if you could just retry or not. If there’s no penalty for failing once or twice then this is an article complaining about nothing for clicks. A little quirk of the game, just a bit of world flavor.
Most of them will go down to $30 *once*. I’ve not seen them go lower, and if you miss that price point you’re out of luck. Otherwise you can usually get like $10 off at most.
I definitely wish more Steam pages would follow this general idea. Too often I’ll load up a page, watch the trailer and it’s... nothing. Lore dumps, flashy images. No gameplay, I have no idea what the game actually is.
“you’ll just be constantly reminded of all the cool stuff you’re missing” is exactly what they’re going for by making it free. It’ll be very effective, it’s a dangerous hole to go down speaking as someone who has bought into the horrible thing.
I remember when I first came across that video. Was really looking forward to the little demo they’d make, but Square squashed it before it could ever be public. Would love an official remake of Crono Trigger.
Sable caught my eye for its art, but seeing it in motion their choice for low frame rate animations was extremely distracting to me that I just stopped really looking at the game. The video here looks like they didn’t do the same, so has that going for it over Sable for me at least. I’d probably get used to the…
Not at all surprising that the first NFT game on the store would just be using asset flips for a quick buck, which seems to be the main purpose of NFTs in general. I’ve yet to see a concept for using NFTs that would work and that can’t already be done with your typical account based systems.
Been seeing this requested since launch, so about time. We got the bluetooth headphone support. Maybe in another year or two we’ll have themes.
Playing Breath of the Wild first and then playing Horizon, motion aiming was definitely something that I really wanted. Really nice for fine tuning your aim. Controller was capable of it, so could’ve been in there. Glad to see they added it in for the sequel!
Kinda defeats the purpose of the device, yeah.
Just being able to have 60 fps support would be neat, but excited to see what comes out of this. Technically that’s possible on emulators, but comes with a number of issues that hopefully can be addressed with the actual code in place.
It’s the pattern that they reveal new characters a patch before they’re released. Itto/Gorou were revealed before 2.2's release and are releasing tomorrow with 2.3, same thing has happened since Eula’s original reveal back in May.
This reminded me that gyroids were added in this update, which I sorely missed when I was actively playing. Might start playing again just for those.