
Sorry, I do not know what this Bridget Jones 3 of which you speak is. Bridget and Colin Firth live happily ever after and LALALALALALALALALA I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR ANYTHING MORE.

Can we PLEASE discuss the promos - both at the beginning and midseason - where they implied Ashley I might become a pregnant non-virgin? Did I make that up or did they really ignore that teaser?

Carly ‘No, you don’t deserve a conversation’ is my spirit animal.

I was so pissed at Kirk. If he had been having doubts for a week (or more?) of their barely a month long relationship, he should have nipped it in the bud then.

A few things...

“I love watching Jared sleep.”

Resistance is futile. I went from, “Ugh, her voice is so thin and all her songs are crap” to “I NEED to get good seats to the T. Swizz show!” There was no transition time and I honestly don't know what happened. I was the obnoxious mom scream singing Shake It Off and making my 9 year old wave her lighted bracelet

Dramatic re-enactment of my last knitting project:

I mean, okay, it’s tacky and a little ugly... but it’s better than anything I could ever knit. That shit has heart.

That is an amazing sweater and you are a bad and wrong person if you think otherwise.

I like when you see a photo of a ‘celebrity’ at Burning Man that confirms your opinions of both that ‘celebrity’ and Burning Man.

LOL the rally is still going on and Huckabee just said he’s willing to spend “the next eight years in the White House” or in jail. EITHER WAY, Y’ALL.

I own the vintage VHS tape of “Private Benjamin”. I would like my Medal of Honor now, please.

And I always felt like I was the Queen of Hearts but you don’t see me trying to behead people left and right. Please keep that in mind if the police talk to you. I have no idea how those heads got there.

As one of “those people,” fuck you, Donald, you patronizing piece of shit

I love Pats fans. Their arguments are amazing.
