The follow up on the Sarah Silverman/Michael Sheen story is the best part though! She accidentally posted the tweet on his birthday, then realized it, clowned on herself, and called herself a dick.
The follow up on the Sarah Silverman/Michael Sheen story is the best part though! She accidentally posted the tweet on his birthday, then realized it, clowned on herself, and called herself a dick.
But also, if an assistant (and actually wife/house manager too!) does his/her job well, the boss actually SHOULDN’T feel his/her absence - the office should be running like a well oiled machine. So he also came to the incorrect conclusion about her value.
But shouldn’t this whole thing be moot? The March 16 ban (which in this respect is identical to the January 27 ban is for suspension for 90/120 days, “so we can figure out what the hell is going on.” Basically, to get better/stricter vetting measures in place.
Also worn by Mindy Kaling on her show.
The allegedly here is in reference to the allegation he cheated on his first wife/fell in love with Miranda while they were married which they both deny.
Except there is no evidence that Ms. Lee actually intended Atticus to be a racist when all was said and done. This was a discarded early draft. It’s more likely that she thought about going the fallen hero route, it came off poorly/editors didn’t like it, and it was decided to just stick with the Atticus we all know…
He’s taking about the health care opinion from earlier this week. Roberts wrote the majority opinion siding with the Affordable Care Act and I guess it’s all Jeb’s fault.
I think you should go through these 2010 recs from Tracie (…), using the post as a reference guide. I have recommended No Lifeguard on Duty and Bunny Tales to countless friends.
I was very protective of my little sister. When we were maybe 2 and 4 we were playing outside and I came running in, bawling, screaming about how my sister was talking to strangers and would be kidnapped. My mom goes running outside and my sister is talking to the 3 y/o boy that lived across the street.
Related: expensive concerts/events. My Garth Brooks tickets are $200 - why would you spend that kind of money so your six year old can go? It's insane! Similarly this week with kids at the World Series. Those tickets are expensive and that kid (barely out of diapers) is not going to remember it.
Rhese weren't stolen in the last two weeks. They were part of the same group of photos that was being shopped around months ago. They are only now being leaked. It's especially not fair to blame them for something they did a year ago because of something that happened last week.
True, but those aren't being offered by weirdos with aol email addresses on community bulletin boards.
Clearly we shared babysitters. I consider these A films though - I just watched Can't Buy Me Love a couple weeks back and I swear it just gets better with age. Rip off shirtsleeves = instant cool.
Agreed on that, but isn't he also an agent (or maybe manager? It's hard keeping my Brit facts straight)? Possibly it's a working lunch to talk about marketing the youngest daughter that's not modeling?
I need to keep this video on reserve for every time someone asks me, with that horrible look of judgment, "Why on earth would you watch Franklin & Bash?" Vindication will be MINE.
What, we aren't even going to TALK about Tristan? Shameful.
It'd be fun to have two writers go to different workouts (this was done a couple times on Gawker) and report back in a jokey-yet-informative way about the class. Some of us get in workout ruts and hearing about alternatives as part of a "health" segment that isn't just about getting skinny. Maybe add a section at the…
Our school aired the version with a black bar on the bottom of the screen that blocked the butt. And turned into a black circle that followed him across the screen when he stood up.
Tracie's investigative journalism is the absolute best kind of investigative journalism.