
I'd really like to hear how anyone thinks this is okay ESPECIALLY the dad. Like, his confused teenage daughter is weirdly attracted to him... okay... now is the part where you shut that shit down, not where you hook up with her.

This is NOT ok.

Congratulations, white people! We did it again!

As many of you know, I have been searching for a media story to throw myself behind as a Truther. All the good Truther theories have already been taken (9/11 truthers, Obama birth, Stevie Wonder isn't really blind, Cats aren't really stealing dog beds, etc). It's been a long process, filled with extensive research and

People who are "honest" and "tell it like it is" are really just assholes.

Would also just like to point out that Miami is the second-worst franchise (obviously DC is the worst) while Beverly Hills is, inarguably, the best.

I was always under the impression that the women of the Real Housewivesweren't allowed to sue fellow cast members...

I was in a wedding party where the bride booted the maid of honor from the wedding during the bachelorette party. Excessive booze, crying, hot tub fighting - it was all very Real Housewives-esque.

We don't coordinate our Girls ass-eating coverage with any other site.

I thought it was a dumb scene, and I tweeted about it, and then Erin made me write a post because that's how editors work. We don't coordinate our Girls ass-eating coverage with any other site. I haven't talked to the man, but I doubt Nick Denton gives a shit about that show one way or the other. Also, I think Allison

Tonight's surprise: Steve Carrell is getting hotter by the minute.

a weeping willow because it was so awful that I cried

To: all of those saying we should not be praising Hebdo and his organization because they ridiculed already marginalized groups. NO, THEY DID NOT. Their targets were the same as any satirist; tyrants, blowhards, and hypocrites who preach hate instead of following the tenets of their own religion. No peace loving

Juan Cole— most famous for being correct about pretty much everything during the Bush administration's persecution of the Iraq War— suspects that this is far less about satire or the press than it is about simply setting French Muslims against French non-Muslims.

I think Ross Douthat, of all people, actually had the best response to this:

Matt, quit making burners to post about how hot you are. We've discussed this.

She had her back done.

Do not mansplain this to me.

Please do tell us. Details!

I bought this shirt for my sister: