
See this is where, I believe, we make a critical mistake. Because it is distasteful to us (rightfully so) we decide that it should be brushed under the rug. In my opinion, we SHOULD be making a huge deal of the 75th anniversary. We should be releasing DVDs of this movie with commentary by professors of history and by

Not gonna lie - I fucking love this movie. I'm black, and come from a long line of black women who love it despite the blatant racism. I think it must be the dresses.

I came on this thread only to mention that pinot grigio quote. I say it to my friends all the time. Stassi is such a trainwreck, but what makes her so great is that she pretends that she's the one who has it together even though she is unemployed and drinking wine mid-day while she works on her hobby blog. Fake it

Also Katie's hair last season is maybe her greatest offense. Like, what was that?!

I want to hate Stassi, but I love her. She is so full of perfectly bitchy sass.

As a nation, we need to collectively work together to make sure that Jax never reproduces.

It truly is ALL HAPPENING for her.

Tom Schwartz was my one mostly silent hope for goodness on this show and he's clearly going to the dark side.

There was no way they could have hidden that belly with a purse or weird camera angles, which is probably why they made her character pregnant in Nashville (and thankfully so, because one of the funner story lines, I'm totally shipping Avery and Juliette).

By Jove, you're right! Three were killed by cops, one was killed by a wannabee cop. Thanks for pointing that out!

Merv Griffin is one of television history's greatest minds, and this is the guy who basically took over for Merv Griffin. He's renowned for how he has kept both shows fresh and relevant while leaving the basic rules and structure the same as they have been for decades.

My birthday is exactly a week before Christmas, and as such, is almost always the day that my office chooses to have their holiday party. This has happened several times over the years with various jobs, and it is generally uncomfortable and has occasionally gotten weird.

The most memorable, however, was several

I would not have guessed that an email chain regarding the NFL, Wheel of Fortune, and Jeopardy! would have been that entertaining. One thing I can say - that guy Harry is balls out genius for his suggestion.

Netflix should text, "ARE YOU OK?" when we aren't watching Netflix. Because we probably aren't.

"We exemplify multi-generational co-viewing."

Absolutely. That guy came up with a genius idea, seemingly out of the blue.

Friedman's idea for a fix is excellent. Someone implement that, please.

On the other hand, THIIIIIIIIS.

I am a "swaddled Grande" truther, only because I refuse to dispense with the mental image of Grande swaddled up in a fleece blanket, being rocked lovingly by a 6'6"+ former marine of a bodyguard.