
His place is so clean and generically decorated! Do you think he used the photos from the ads before he moved in, and photoshopped the Lays in to add some personality, or do you think he cleaned up real nice before taking pictures so he could prey on the homeless girl of his dreams?

Hi. I've answered similar questions like this before but it has to do with photo rights and what images are available. If you have an OT question like this to ask, I'm happy to answer via email rebecca.rose@jezebel. Every third person who emails me gets a Tom Hiddleston gif. Tom Hiddleson gif not guaranteed under

Donuts are for the mouth part of your face.

When you have a history of being physically abusive, the "I've caused scars" metaphor sounds especially sinister.

OMG I just noticed the side eye happening on these scales of justice AND I LOVE IT.

My friend and I were talking about a mutual pal's upcoming wedding and I was talking about whether it's now acceptable to wear red to a wedding or if wearing red makes everyone think you are a painted harlot who is looking to steal attention from the bride. Her mother looked at me and said 'No, that's just red


Also, calling up an ex to happily congratulate him on the birth of his baby with another woman seems like a preeeetty odd tactic for winning someone back.

You do not have 5000 ballz and I refuse to dignify that part of your name with a response.

I might use a different name than "TerrorBallz" if I was going around lecturing folks about feeling silly

It's piggybacking because it's a bunch of white people using this opportunity to discuss their own white privilege.

My impression was that the hashtag isn't for educating black people about how nice the cops are to white people, but educating fellow white people on their own hypocrisy. It's a lot harder to say that these murdered black men were thugs and criminals who "got what they deserved" when white people admit to the same

I can't write a response better than this woman's so I'll just share hers.

"Don't worry about paying me back for these. I know you guys don't make as much money as I do."

me too! That was the first thing I thought: "Of course she put her name at the top". I feel like she said, upon presentation, "I got robes made for you because I'm the best".

I'm actually writing about this for tomorrow or Thursday! I mentioned in this week's Saturday Night Social a little bit.

I just think Terry Crews is the most delightful person, and that opinion is compounded every time I watch him in an interview. I even love the way they initially cast him in Brooklyn 99, which is as a sergeant who has to stop working in the field for a while because he gets panic attacks at the thought of dying and

I really have a hard time believing this. I am also 32. To quote Whitney, "I want to see the receipts!" This is why: 1. You engage in alot of black and white thinking. 2. You give a flying fig about what entertainment strangers consume in in their free time and find it fun to knock on other people who have

Wait Wait Don't Tell me and This American Life (which spawned Serial and of which the first Serial podcast was an original episode that I listened to in my car live) are National Public Radio programs that have been around since the 90s. These aren't new, hip phenomena. Frankly I'm thrilled that podcasts of these