
SONY Executive meeting #1

Trump lies, because he does not know anything.

It’s okay. It is only 3.6 roentgen per hour, they’ll be fine as always.

So. Even if... IF we get someone else in office next year. (I highly doubt it, sadly) Their entire term will be dominated by damage controlling all the shit that this administration has caused the country. This is a sad time in the united states. 

So... It’s Keeping Up With The Targaryens isn’t it. 

You won the infoweb for the day. Use your powers wisely my dear.

Well there is a decent amount to explore.

It’s Dungeons and Dragons. They made Dungeons and Dragons. 

I love how this speaks of the films rarity, then the video does not work.

All hail the make up and costume lords

I do not see a problem here. I mean you could hide them in plain sight.

I love how Sony is in Denial about how they are going to make this franchise work after... 3 terrible movies Spider Man 3, and Reboot 1&2.

What you really mean is killed off a species we put in a endangered existence.

Well it maybe a good thing. More suicides happen with firearms than any other method, because it is quick. Not giving you the time to think or reconsider.

Your rebuttal is no better considering your lashing out. Also I stated. As in admitted. That this is a first impression because I have yet to see the series. I made my basis on the above comment. So yeah I never said, what I said was gospel.


The greatest con ever pulled was when Elon Musk convinced us he was our Tony Stark, only to learn he was actually Justin Hammer. 

Fuck those screw heads.

Every decade or so we get someone like this. Someone who creates some wonderful piece of pop culture that turns out to be his one only really great thing. Chris Carter did it with X Files. Then tried and tried again only to fail.

Get this... Growing up I knew a kid named... Richard Sheets.