
Well we are not going to know unless he actually publishes one of the damn things, won’t he.

Oooooh... Do I trust AV/Film and it’s poor review, or this one and it’s positive review?

Hah! I was just commenting on the same sight/article how this review seems to be pretty bad... Oh and there seems to be a few spoilers in here the writer fails to warn people about so yeah... This article fails. 

Rom was a comic that Marvel made for Hasbro for the Rom toy line. Although he was “In” Marvel comics he is not “Technically” a Marvel hero... Sadly.

That was the most boring space flight/chase I have ever seen.

Totally agree. If anything the last movie was just recycled parts of Empire, and yes it was.

Are Hollywood exec even that cool anymore. I mean really. I thought they all ate Kale and Tofu and shit. And mind you I am not a fan of the coco I got to say if given a ultimatum.... I would ask for a rolled up 100 dolla bill instead of the kale-fu combo. 

See Fee Exec #1... “Hey what about 5 Nights at Freddie’s? We can do that.

Was this yet another thing about Porgs. Yes.

I think everyone was good in all of the last two movies. The writing and plotting was down right awful.

It is all good man. Game memories are eternal. 

You love the show (Which I do as well) check out the novels, whoa boy!

I ran a Marvel Heroes RPG. It was a campaign that stretch 13 years starting as a solo game with me and a friend in the late 80's then wound up expanding to our DnD group. After that it hosted three different groups through out the 90's

It’s okay, they still have The Expanse... Oh wait...


Fuck all they are still trying to shove these things down our throat as the

Okay so... My only issue with this is Godzilla. Just for the fact that until Kong Skull island it seemed we had no idea how to actually make a Kaiju movie.

Both ships had awesome as fuck moments in that series. And when I saw her break her back on her last jump it killed me. 

And this is why Trickle Down Economics fails. 

I work for a large club chain in New Orleans. A big one.