
I liked the finale.

How was this horror?

True, but if you look at the credits he is listed as Boba Fett.

I think you may be over thinking this. I was talking about the fact that any continuity in the DCEU is a total shitshow.

Death becomes us all.

The Bachelorette, Death edition?

Well let’s be honest they are not called the We Live Squad.

Of course Harley will live, due to her own movie. If not it might threaten the continuity of the whole DCEU... Wait a minute...


“The whole point is to bring people to the point where they can be creative and design their own quantum systems to solve their problems,”

I will not deny that the whole Warhammer franchise has a pretty well, not very liberal nature about it.

 Noted sore loser Chris Pratt stars as a soldier who’s drafted into the future to help fight a war against an alien invasion. (Previously: December 25 2020)

Guardians of The Galaxy 3 ends... Credits roll.

In fact I am more than happy. I am FUCKING DELIGHTED.

They will but it will be on Asteroid M, and it will have a name change to Asteroid XM, and they will have a copyright battle royale with XM radio. Mutants vs the Almighty Dollar. 

People are allowed to not like things.

One of the original Hulk games after his first movie had it set up so that you could hurl soldiers... GREEEEEAT lengths to their demise.

You do realize that they are also doing a Warhammer 40K comic...

Look. As long as he gets to make Guardians 3 for us you can have him for EVERYTHING else, DC fans deserve it. 

So Heroes, but without a writers strike and Quinto. Got it.