Hypocrisy, thy name is Trumpers.
they won’t. Remember, the thing fueling anti-mask protest is fear. People are terrified of the notion that an invisible disease can cut you down, so they double down on conspiracy theories or anything that says they don’t. have to be afraid.
So if he really did get it? Oh it’s not that big of a deal.
And (god hoping) he…
Too bad the show ended when it did. It was morphing into something very interesting. Playing with both dark humor and character development. Legends of Tomorrow tends to get lost in the zaniness, Tick managed to keep a stable plot through both seasons.
The cancellation of The Tick was criminal. I can’t believe they let Trump get away with this too!
Yeah that’s a crime, it was friggen great.
This was just a normal Shadowrun session.
If there ever is a Gremlins 3 they better steer clear of CGI and stick with puppet Gremlins. The current Dark Crystal prequel shows that puppets still have a place in modern day film making.
Arnold Schwarzenegger made plenty of shit films too, and he is clearly the model Johnson is patterning his career after. Is the contention that Johnson is forced to decline opportunities in daring arthouse cinema because he’s all locked up making Pain & Gain 2 with his best bud Michael Bay? I’m not seeing it.
Some orange tape in between photo shoots would’ve been enough and wouldn’t have even interfered with the cosplaying.
Good thing she was not a black cosplayer, or this would have been a completely different post... on The Root.
It’s never ever worth going this far. We need a better system to help those with mental health issues. One of my best friends took their life earlier this year and I’m still fucked up from it. Please never take your own life. You have no idea the impact it will have on the people around you. Get help, reach out. Talk…
This is really sad. If anyone out there reading this is in crisis, please, I know it seems impossible, but reach out to someone, anyone, before you do anything drastic.
My military buddies and I use that below the waist in a game called “Fishing” You try to get someone to look down at it and that’s how you “get them”. You neutralize the fishing attempt by putting your index finger through the hole in the fisher’s “OK” sign.
Only in ‘Murica will you see Punk-ass Bitches wearing boarding school uniforms
Yara: “Wait, we can do that?”
After Sansa said the North should be free and Bran agreed, my first thought was “oooh, I bet the rulers of the other kingdoms are kicking themselves for not having had the idea first!"
Finding out Keanu Reeves is a genuinely nice guy makes the world seem slightly less shitty.
I reserve the right to make up my own mind about this movie, regardless of online impressions. I still plan to go watch it as I have yet to be disappointed by a MCU film.
oh man i didn’t even see the 90's in the title for some reason. my bad. Just saw the headline at work and got excited about KOTOR. haha,.