
Go to bed, Mom.

I found this photo of how the yacht is designed to handle waves on the open ocean.

I thought for sure the parent pushing his young kid up the isle was going to hold him up like Simba. Huge missed opportunity.

Nope. The file contents are hashed, not its metadata.

Now playing

I'm only interested if it will include Vanilla Ice performing an impromptu rap.

I have found Titanfall walks a fine line between "Fluid Movement" and " Mash space bar until I get to where I want to be".

Now playing

One of my faves, and a very underrated one at that:

This reaction is priceless

Did you see any PS4? Or were they hidden in boxes?

Anti-vax people are assholes. There are a certain percentage of children who cannot get vaccinated because of allergies and various medical issues and thus rely on herd immunity to prevent contracting shit like the mumps and measles. Not only are the anti-vaxers putting their own kids' at risk, they're putting these

My favourite "trick", that make me truely smile and say "oooohhhh yeah" out loud every time i can pull it off :

The campaign isn't terrible, but I realized something while playing it. I was rushing through the battlefield, fighting off waves of soldiers and giant robots alongside my allies. All the while there's a screen in the corner of my HUD where a person or two are arguing back and forth about something. One guy is

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not taking my gloves off for this.

To get the regular viewing format back add /?tiger=off to the end of the sitename, as in gizmodo.com/?tiger=off. It has to be inputted for each site separately.

Nobody actually cares.

HTPC wins for me.

They've tried that before - more people died trying to bring the already-dead down. That's largely why they're left up there. I think it was a Chinese team that sent a bunch of climbers a few years back to retrieve some bodies and the expedition was a total disaster. It's bloody hard (I'm told by TV documentaries) to

Breakfast foods, ranked:

I support this article, if only to highlight a bigger problem - we, as a society, are incapable of processing actual human beings. We have heroes, villains, and morons. There are no other options. We don't handle good people doing bad things, bad people loving their families, misguided people with very mixed records,