
I just wish seeing things in IMAX 2D was an option again.

You mean to say that this game has a section where "the floor is lava" !? My childhood...


Sarkeesian's work is more a symptom of the disease that she's claiming to combat than it is a cure. It's a self-compartmentalized, self-absorbed and self-congratulatory piece of work that accomplishes a flat zero in terms of contributing to fruitful dialogue in its chosen subject area because it refuses to


Nah. I've had two ACL/MCL surgeries. Technically my knee is now "fine" - to anyone that's not me. To ME, it feels weaker than my right knee. There's nothing that can prove that medically, but I know it. I feel it. Saying that SOMEONE ELSE has been "cleared" by SOMEONE ELSE (and really, what does "cleared" even mean?)

Let's hope none of Life-Size Skeletor's dastardly schemes to acquire the power of Greyskull require him to be allowed on any amusement park rides.

Not just you, it's incredibly frustrating and I don't really understand why. I got a new laptop with a USB 3.0 and I ran to the store to find a 3.0 flash drive and they weren't selling any. Now it's been a year since then and it's still difficult to find 3.0 flash drives anywhere, most places don't even carry a single

Copying 32GB or larger, no matter what the chunk-size of individual files are, is painful at USB2 speed. That's the point of USB3. It's not about the individual file size but the aggregate.

I found some camera footage of the culprit as he returned to the scene of the crime...