
I like to think that he got like fucking Tommy Caldwell, who then pretended to try and fail to climb it, just so they would build the stupidest wall possible. 

Why is it “innocent until proven guilty” only when convenient?

Misspelling’ is also one word, not hyphenated.

You misspelled “misspelling”. 

We could always turn the table and point out the superfluous comma after “Gizmodo” or the unnecessary single quotation marks around “print” in fuscator’s post. That would put him/her/they on the losing end of the grammar competition.

There are fewer better poster children for shitty automation than self-checkout. I have literally never, as in not one single time, successfully completed a checkout at a self-service station in a grocery store without having to call a human employee over. And it’s not because I’m an idiot. Or not entirely, anyway.

Counter-point: Self-checkout (when properly configured and working) is the best.

I mean it’s awesome that you like that smell but that doesn’t mean it’s healthy to smell it. I like smell of gasoline and the smell of Sharpies but if you let me sit in a sealed off room and smell them id die as a result cause they're pollutants.

Does this mean that all the pain-in-the-ass, autoplaying “recent videos” that pop up all over the UniGawkerverse will go away?

Why is it in 2017 i can’t get this game on a platform that can run it at 60fps, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD?!..

May we PLEASE finally be done with 30fps altogether in gaming? FINITO! Just..let it die. Thanks! ;)

No. I demand order. One cannot go from 7 to 8 and “X.” Am I gonna look like a broke-dick for buying an 8 like my mom was with her crappy 5c?

LOL Face ID failed in it’s first public demo ever.

Dear God, no. I’m not totally against the idea, but I’m not digging this art direction at all.

Loved the original, but why does this remake look like ass? That first screenshot with the thing breathing fire on the left, it looks like a really cheap low-poly game, like an indie game on PSP.

EEEEEEEEw barf. They’re using that fugly ass art style that they used in Adventure of Mana only slightly upgraded. Whoi decided that shit looks good? It didn’t look good in the DS FF4 remake, it sure s hell didn’t look good in Adventure of Mana, so what fool decided it looked good here? Hell even the IOS SoM version

I really hope it includes the cut content from the snes CD version. I’ve been dreaming of this for years

Tweeners are tough to aim very precisely, and a hard down the line pass is higher percentage than a hard cross court. Also Vinci played it pretty loosely, hanging out near the T and not really split-stepping.

Different =/= better. I am resistant to changes that suck.

Popping in and out of intersections from a sidewalk is arguably a riskier way to ride.