
Frequency laid out the tracks on the inside of a cylinder while Amplitude did it on the outside of an arc. So in frequency, you could loop around to hit different tracks, but if you're on the far left track in Amplitude and wanted to go to the far right, you had to scroll through all other tracks to get there.

People have been talking up the death of BluRay for many moons:

I was diagnosed with C diff back in December. It is a horrible disease. While researching fecal transplants, I discovered articles about the "ick factor" and found them somewhat comical. Anyone disgusted by this treatment has never felt the hopelessness of living with and attempting to treat C diff. My attitude

Surgery is a solid example.

I'm going to need proof before I commence hat consumption.

"Of course, there's still always the possibility that Code Babes itself was a (horribly executed) attempt at satire."

One of the most famous goals in hockey's recent history, immortalized in a 240p youtube video.

10 of them against him at the same time?

The flip is a cool trick, but entirely unnecessary and just for show.

That is fucking nuts. I gotta be honest, speed free soloing might be one of the dumbest things I've ever seen, but mesmerizing to watch.

Absolutely just for show. I saw that and thought "woa, that was badass, why haven't I ever seen anyone do that?" As you mentioned, it's cause his feet just end up about 12" above where they were.

I don't get it either. Waiting for someone to explain.

Sandwich, maybe, but pizza would be a mess just because the thing sits vertically. You'd need one of those chef's bags described in the video and that just seems like a lot of work.

$1000 for a toaster and it's not even a toaster-oven? I can't reheat pizza or toast meatnormous sandwiches in that thing.

I am envious of those who have not. One of my favorite videos on Youtube. I'm glad to have introduced you to it :D

This is by design as the attacker knows your titan is unlikely to move as soon as you get out. These are the three most likely outcomes of calling titanfall while rodeoing and the pilot gets out:

Now playing

#1: The Landstalker "Walk in the Park" mission in GTA3. In an ironic turn of events, the landstalker, an SUV that one would think would be good offroad, is in fact the easiest vehicle to tip over in the entire game. You can literally tip it over by turning too hard while driving on a street. Driving it around a

I found this photo of how the yacht is designed to handle waves on the open ocean.