
just think how long it took the giraffe to swallow his pride!

A friend of mine bought a VW Diesel Golf. Turns out the sellers lied about the emissions or something big time. Super sketchy scenario. Whatevs. Sellers took it back.

I take issue with the usage of “mentally disabled”. I have Asperger’s and poor social skills, but I sure-as-shit could out visually-systematically-spatialize anything more completely than an overwhelming majority of humans. I’m not mentally disabled because I don’t give a shit about other people in public/small talk.

“Well James, he’s driven off a cliff and is now engulfed in flames”

Does that mean he’s not coming on then?

When McEnroe first heard the news that Navratilova had announced she was gay, he was heard to yell, “OF COURSE SHE’S OUT! USE YOUR FUCKING EYES, ARE YOU BLIND? HOW COULD YOU SAY SHE WASN’T OUT WHEN SHE WAS CLEARLY OUT?!?!”

My favorite response was “There has never been a terrorist attack at my house. I masturbate incessantly. Draw your own conclusions.”

This titsn’t that big of a deal. In fact, it’s kind of mammorable.

In Samardzija’s defense, it must be difficult for him to remember which team he plays for. 

It must be bad when even the judge is fleeing the country.

I don’t know the provenance of your commenter name but I like it a lot.

this is exactly why I’ve never dated her.

Gee, I wonder if the dude who she had sex with was banned as well?

I read about them in Forbes!

+1 Asian Dawn

It was treatment like this that led Karl and his brother to join Hans Gruber and the Volksfrei. So unnecessary.

Aaron Hernandez, an innocent man, died in prison. Yet, Tom Brady (clearly guilty of evidence tampering) walks free. That’s America for you.