Shit he’s good, like really good, you can see in the last video you posted while he wiggles the drum sticks and still keeps banging. Seems like he really uses all that excess brain energy to coordinate his whole body.

For me it reads more like the Pokemon Company got overprotective about their IP and tried to stall whatever ideas the movie had.

There is no petty in gym battles, only the determined can come through. Also we yellows have our pride to hold (we are the smallest team out of the three and we usally have low gym dominance). So good for that man to stand ground, now if I may, what is you code, I want to challenge you to a fair, furious tapping

Perhaps it hits too far close to home for many so they feel mocked by this. I didn’t, the quippy way they managed Thor is more because that’s the general direction they have taken with the character since Ragnarok, so I didn’t saw as a “classc stereotyping”.

Sadly I don’t own a PS4 so the only open world game I’ve tried is BotW (which is awesome, really it is, but I feel I don’t have enough time to commit myself fully to those kind of games while there are others being released).

But I’ve heard great things about Horizon, so perhaps in a not so distant future I’ll get

And not just that, but follow with a combo that included a super, the guy was at his prime right there.

Exactly that is the point, it feels focused, and I’d say it allows devs to deliver a better story (if they intend to deliver one that is). Sandbox games are great for people who like doing whatever, but for people like us that enjoy narratives as well, it loses a lot when the game becomes open world.

I’ve been thinking about this lately, since I finished BotW. I’m usually not an open world type of guy, I think those games take too much of your time and there are tons of others games waiting to be played (that does not mean they are bad, they are just not for me), and I came to the realization that I personally

God damnit man, why do you play with my feelings?

Finally, I’ve been waiting a year or so for the final expansion on Shovel Knight, can’t wait to play it.

Nope, you are the problem and frankly fuck people like you, things do go away or solve themselves just because you ignore them.

If this were a unique game with unique characters in a niche genre, then yeah, I would agree with you, but Smash ain’t that, and even without the active community it would be a massive game. To think otherwise is arrogance from the community.

I can’t argue with that, Nintendo lacks in many areas, but the tourney scene is alive and well in spite of that. They may want to be recognized to get more money and you know, more power to them, but they shouldn’t try to impose their rules (as well thought as they may be) in tournaments not organized by them.

Sorry you don’t drive sales and exposure, the series is as popular as it can be without the competitive scene, and mindsets like that are why many still treat the community like the red headed stepchild.

Perhaps and if that is the case then let it be, but Jesus I can’t stand sometimes the hardcore/pro community and their commitment to make a series seem so serious.

And I’ve seen yours and frankly I’m tired. Nintendo isn’t taking away Evo or other Smash tournaments, neither are they saying theirs is the only way (unlike the pros, even if they give sometimes sound arguments).

Eh, Nintendo can do whatever they like. Its their game and if they organize tournaments its their choice how they need to be played. Even with the randomness of items a metagame can be arranged creating new tiers perhaps.

I think you are missing the reason why all older style games (like plataformers) are worth the 60 tag, and it is usually the replayability. You may finish the game in 6/8/10 hours, but if after that you return to it to play it again and again over the course of months or even years, then it is worth every penny.

So many games to buy and so many games in the backlog... yours is really an understatement.