Nothing, though I hoped I could finally finish BotW, but I guess that will be til the next week. This weekend is for a beer festival and a family event.
Nothing, though I hoped I could finally finish BotW, but I guess that will be til the next week. This weekend is for a beer festival and a family event.
PSP Go uses a special kind of memory stick that is even harder to find than the usual kind, that was a bullshit move from Sony.
Yeah looking back now at the Vita lifetime, Capcom choosing the 3DS for MH was the death knell. Still it is a worthwhile little console if only for collecting purposes.
It was a little more than the proprietary cards killing it, though that was one of its biggest factors. But I’d have to say Sony own disdain or rather lack of willingness to support the console was the other big factor to the early death of the console.
You know he will die in our lifetime right? 10 or 20 years into the future, there is no stopping it. Yeah growing sucks sometimes.
I need to ask, what is the origin of this meme?
Now you are making me laugh, Harambe, heh.....
You my friend seem to get what many others here don’t. That is exactly my problem but I payed for the game and I actually like most parts of it, so I’ll finish it but I won’t be replaying it or buying the DLC.
I guess you are not a completionist and even if you are you like open world games, I do not and I made an exception because it’s Zelda. And while I’ve enjoyed most of it, I still don’t like open world games.
I like to enjoy everything there is to the game, not going straight to the end, but if the path to completion is boring and meaningless then I have a valid gripe.
I’m a completionist so there is reason for that long gameplay. Though I’m not trying to say the game is bad, it is just that I found this concept of open world boring, as I enjoy more when I have more directions on where to go and what to do, all the while having more story or lore in the process.
Very serious, I’m a completionist, and while I do enjoy most of the game, I’m already losing that joy over discovering that useless korok seed behind a rock in the middle of nowhere.
Actually it took less but I’m a completionist and I’d be damned if I don’t find at least most of everything in this game.
I can’t, I bought the special edition, hell I bought the special edition BEFORE I bought a Switch. I like the game when I’m engaging with the lore and the (admitedly barebones) story, but some parts of it just kill me and feel like a chore.
The game overstays its welcome, and its at least two to three regions too big. No story in them and the regions are kinda dull. I liked the game but Jesus after almost 300 hundred hours I’m kinda getting bored, finding everything is a chore with games this big.
F (respect where respect is due).
I was one of the deeply dissapointed, but as the release date came closer I actually started liking the game. Needless to say I borrowed it from a friend and minutes later I was hooked. It became one of my 3 top Zelda games.
You white monkey, you are a disgrace to the human race.
That explains a lot, I always wondered why mine was in godawful Spain spanish (not even latinoamerican spanish).
Well the difference is that was cartoony and this is full on chibi, which while both are seen as kiddy, the chibi one is like kiddy cranked up to 11.