Number 1 kills me in most games, I couldn’t care less about trophies but I always try to get everything possible, which make games like RPGs a hell sometimes...
Number 1 kills me in most games, I couldn’t care less about trophies but I always try to get everything possible, which make games like RPGs a hell sometimes...
Games haven’t stoped being fun, it is just that now we are adults and more game savvy people we can get them by the load. Problem is we don’t have the time like we used to when we were young to play them all and some of us take seriously we finish what we spend.
Sometimes you just gotta buy those limited editions, current games be damned.
Not really, I feel annoyed I haven’t finished FFT The War of the Lions and my Steam backlog is the one I hate the most, because I love all those games but they are some of the most time consuming.
I know, there’s been times when I’ve managed to resist the urge and didn’t buy anything while finishing some games. My bakclog has gotten a little shorter but sometimes those damn sales kick my resolution in the ass.
You could deal with them by not buying anything more until you finish with what you have. Of course this is a hard thing to do but in theory you could do it.
You can buy it at AmiAmi too, there they even have a 20% discount if I’m not mistaken, of course that is before shipping.
Preordered damn it, y u do dis Mike? Y?
First of course.
Of old FF the best versions of at least I, II and IV are the PSP versions no doubt.
What is your average playtime among all FF? Do you use a guide or do you just play and rely on skills and luck?
That game was fun as hell. The only thing I missed was like a super sword or some special item in on of the largest levels, it was 20 something I think.
Wow, even for a slim version the console is still kinda big. The thing that will make or brake this is price of course, under 275 would be ideally the best.
4 is the best.
The the world should stop everything right now because every fucking second that passes an atrocity is being commited.
Stop being so fucking sensitive, I’m not denying anything and I know Abe is a nutjob, they guy will not be forever in that position and in time perhaps Japan will acknowledge the things they did.
Do I smell european conquest in ALL FUCKING AMERICA? The fact that most of us still have traces of our previous culture is just a damn miracle, save the USA which completely fucked their indigenous population.
Come on dude, every fucking country has commited atrocities across their history, every one of them. Let’s put aside that bullshit for 2 weeks every 4 years.
I’ll give Kefka that, he got shit done so special props to him for that.