How could you not love that game, it is one of the quirkiest and most interesting games in the series. The adventure was shorter than its predecesors but the interactions with the NPCs and the masks made it something that I haven’t experienced again.

Because as you said he is not mono-dimensional like Kefka. I’ll admit Kefka had a lot going on for him in the first half of the game where he was being a total ass to everyone in a dark fun way, but he fell flat as soon as he got hold of the statues.

You should buy an EZ-Flash IV (or whatever those EZ guys have that is better) and play the GBA library, amazing games all around. If I may, I’d recommend this titles:

*Dangerous Dave player high five*

I’m playing for the first time VII ever, and I thought I’d never say this but Sephiroth is way more interesting than Kefka. Even if he is whiny little bitch.

Commander Keen, Pharaoh, Age of Empires and Dave for PC, the Megaman classic and X series (special props for Megaman V for the GB as it was my first portable game), the Legend of Zelda series (specially a Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time and Majora Mask), Pokemon Blue and Red, Final Fantasy V and VI, and Kirby

Oh I know you are not collecting a blueprint, I meant Serges reconstructed Zero from the original blueprints made by Wily.

I’d contest his X2 body is not the original one, I think it is a new one based on the original blueprint made by Serges, as you get the pieces from him and the other X Hunters. Many speculate that Serges and Isoc are either Wily possesed reploids or Wily himself as AI in new bodies.

I disagree, he is more than a robot master, he is in the same league as X, the only difference between them is that Zero was made so that the virus had more control over him, but his AI is on par of that of X and superior to any robots before them.

Yeah there has been times when they refer themselves as reploids but then again many times they are told to be superior, even as far as X6 when there are definitely supieror reploids in terms of tech.

I think you jumped the gun there, Bass never stole some plans for Zero, Wily developed it way before X was being built as shown in Power Fighters for the sole purpose of kicking Megaman and Bass ass.

Zero for all intents and purposes is an original design, one of the few of Wily along Bass and King, so it is fitting to

It kinda looks like this version:

Isn’t Reploid is something like “Replicate Android”? In this case X is not one as he and Zero are the original deals, the first ones, and I though Capcom and fans always agreed on this.

Anything else than X and Zero is a reploid, but them will always be the real deal even though they may be old.

He should do a full song using every instrument available, something like Smooth McGroove does and put it in his channel, the guy has mad skills.

Pure human badasses. They get custom power armor that is not as bulky as the space marines and not as powerful but still.

Actually have 2 questions, first, if you could, would you make Kotaku an independent site? I think that even with your limited staff your page can get independent of the whole network.

Yes I’ve seen that, perhpas that would be the only case where you could say they can qualify for Olympics, but besides Starcraft? Please, it is not that we don’t want to put thought in it, I think we already made clear why we don’t consider it, but people still feel the need argue every point as if VG being and

Ok if you are so hell bent on saying they can qualify then what is your criteria?

I’d argue that equestrian could still be considered Olympic because you need to have some mad skills to control a horse, I mean if we go to the roots of the Olympics I’d guess that riding horses were considered important as cavalry was always an important and vital part of war.

Please, the dexterity of videogames vs the dexterity for shooting completely different, you have no argument here. If videogames would be consider Olympic games then so many other “games”, I’d like to have Jenga and Rubik cube conpetitions please /s.