I think you are doing what AeronPeyton did, you are glorifying your culture because fuck yeah America. As a culture you have some pretty poor manners and are lacking many old values that are not necessarily bad, respecting your elders is something that is sorely lacking in this day and age, for many old age means that

Actually she tried to drift to correct course but her front wheel couldn’t take it and bend sending her and her bike crashing, awful awful crash, hope she is ok.

Yeah take your time, truth is there are many great games across all gens and consoles and getting to play them all is an almost impossible task. Still is fun trying. For example my recomendation for Megaman is, start with the classic series, you can start from any game between III and VI as they have almost all the

Yeah I know the bad rep VIII has and probably deserved, but then again I enjoyed II which has bad rep too and kinda hated III which many liked so anything can happen.

Sure no problem, give me a shout and we’ll trade.

I love me some V, it is humorous, it has a basic but compelling story, I felt bad when Galuf kicked the bucket and the job system so far is the best I’ve seen. Plus it was the first game where Gilgamesh appeared and that guy is golden.

I’m just near Shinra HQ after Sector 7 was wiped out, man fans weren’t kidding when they said this game was the best. I have a gut feeling that when I finish it, this will be among my favourites, perhaps my number one after FFV.

Good game, a bit on the easy side but you’ll like it.

Just try and collect the ones that you like and also have double typing, so you have at least 8 types you can use for maximum advantage. You can check the pokedex on bulbapedia and also the move list because many times the pokemon you like doesn’t have any meaningful moves, though TM’s can fix that.

I’m playing for the first time FFVII, so far I’m enjoying the game save for the stupid camera while battling which is all over the place for cinematic purposes.

I’m sorry but no, that IS hyperbole. I remember how PS2 games looked and while it is true the GC and Xbox were above (and one could argue the Xbox was a console half a gen foward actually) they weren’t even near the gap the PS3 and 360 had with the Wii.

Look man, let’s stop the bullcrap. Yes the PS2 was the “underpowered” console that gen but it was not a generation behind the GC and Xbox. That excuse is pathetic and should not be used.

That’s the point of the franchise, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Warhammer (40K specially) is meant to be a parody on the grim and dark (hence the meme grimdark) future of humanity and while it sometimes takes itself seriously if you look closely, the balls to the wall darkness of the setting is so over the top

I don’t remember my 40K lore all that well, but doesn’t the codex recommend talking to your fellow brothers about this suspicions before kissing the Inquisition ass?


Agreed, a full pokedex (living pokedex is the best) made of hacked pokemon is not satisfying, but with event legendaries you can’t help it, anything besides that is just BS.

Right, the fake GTS! That’s the thing I used along Pokegen to trade myself event legendaries, that thing was godsend.

I’ve heard of a device that let’s you clone pokemon on the 3DS, I’ve been meaning to research a little on how it works and its downsides and ponder wheter to buy it or not. I don’t like hacked pokemons, but clones of legit ones? Sign me up, last time I could clone them I made gave aways of event legendaries just for

I find it ok in singleplayer games, cheating can add replayability (or even playability) to a game. Multiplayer though? Unless it’s local and all can cheat then you are right.

I have almost all normal pokemon ready (missing Unown but I’ll try to buy AS or OR to get then), I just need a way to clone the legendaries I have to trade them for the other rare legendaries.